Escape key misbehaving

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jojo, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. jojo

    jojo Guest

    (cross posted)

    Normally when using AutoCAD, escape terminates a command.
    Yesterday I installed Norton Antivirus. Since the install, the escape
    key now switches me from program to program, outside of AutoCAD
    when I have and AutoCAD drawing open.
    How do I get my escape key to function as it should?

    I appreciate any help, this is very frustrating!
    jojo, Jan 21, 2004
  2. jojo

    Smoker Guest

    Obviously Norton is the culprit. Don't ever use anything Norton or suffer
    the consequences.
    Smoker, Jan 22, 2004
  3. jojo

    AlanS Guest

    Norton doesn't affect any of my 3 computers, it doesn't affect my sisters
    computer, It doesn't affect any of my 3 brothers computers- one brother has
    2 computers networked, it doesn't affect my brother-in-laws computer, then
    there are my friends- guess what? It doesn't affect their

    Maybe it is you and your setup that is your problem, not Norton.
    AlanS, Jan 22, 2004
  4. jojo

    G Faris Guest

    The <escape> key is simply <acting out> - responding to abuse, because you
    keep hitting it!
    G Faris, Jan 22, 2004
  5. jojo

    nemo Guest

    I get the Escape key acting like ALT+TAB too sometimes while downloading
    stuff and using the magnificently written yEnc32 (irony) to decode it with
    other programs in the background. OE hangs or slows down on "Searching for
    Hyperlinks" and this, and a few other things then start going wrong.

    Usually, closing the folder I use to for yEnc decoding, which is on the
    Desktop, cures the problem. Other times I have to close the lot or even

    Sort that one out!


    PS: If the twits posting in yEnc used it properly and posted attached *.ntx
    files instead of dumping the data straight into the body of the message,
    this wouldn't happen. Grrrrrrrrr!
    nemo, Jan 25, 2004
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