errors when open solidworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Michel Bélanger, Aug 25, 2003.

  1. Hi all,

    When I open SolidWorks I receive this message :

    "SLDWORKS.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will
    need to restart the program. An error log is being created."

    If I go in Administrator mode I don't receive this message and SolidWorks
    works well.

    What is the solution to correct this problem. There is a way to correct
    this problem without being obliged to reinstall SolidWorks.

    Thanks in advance.
    Michel Bélanger, Aug 25, 2003
  2. Did this just recently start? New installation? What versions? Anyone
    else having problems? Anything else you could tell that would shed some
    light on it?

    One thought is to wipe out the Current_User key of the SolidWorks part of
    the registry. This would force it to rebuild that user's portion, but you
    would also lose all of the settings already set up, if, in fact, you had set

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 25, 2003
  3. The problem just recently start. I use SolidWorks 2003 with service pack.
    Michel Bélanger, Aug 25, 2003
  4. Michel Bélanger

    Joel Moore Guest

    I've seen a lot a programs that are unable to run under a standard user-
    level account--I forget whether SolidWorks is one of them. These programs
    need access to files and registry settings not accessible by standard

    So as a result I've had to make all the users on our machines power users.
    Really ****ing annoying. Makes me wonder what the standard user account in
    Windows is good for. Maybe people who just use Office and IE.
    Joel Moore, Aug 25, 2003
  5. Joel,

    Then this ought to really annoy you.

    All of our users are set up as administrators (local machine only)

    Mark Mossberg, Aug 26, 2003
  6. Michel Bélanger

    Pablo Guest

    Hi Michel,

    I remember having a similar problem. The problem was that "Regional and
    Language Options" (RLO)were set to french for one of the user that was
    having problems and SolidWorks was installed in english only. So when SW
    started it was looking for the french libraries files (*.DLL), since it
    didn't find them (because they were not installed initially) SW wouldn't
    start. The others users who had the "Regional and Language Options" to
    english did not had this problem. So maybe if you change your "Regional and
    Language Options" to english your problem will be solve. If you want to keep
    your "Regional and Language Options" in french, you will have to reinstall
    SW and choose the french language during installation (But I think you would
    prefer not reinstalling SW, so change your RLO to english). Let me know if

    Pablo, Aug 26, 2003
  7. Michel Bélanger

    Joel Moore Guest

    If the power user level doesn't cut it for us then we'll have to do the
    same. Very insecure. What a playground for viruses and trojans.
    Joel Moore, Aug 27, 2003
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