Error within ocean-script

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Frank Nitsche, Nov 4, 2003.

  1. Hi everybody,

    I wrote an ocean-script to perform some parametric calculations. Within
    this script I use the following expressions:

    if(( cornerType == "ws" ) outp = outfile("./results.log"))
    if(( cornerType == "ws" ) ocnPrint( ?output outp ?width 11 ?numSpaces 1
    "corner" "r_length" "cf" "ccomp" "rvalue" "BW" "Noise" "Overshot"
    "Target" ))

    ocnPrint( ?output outp ?width 11 ?numSpaces 1 cornerType evalstring(
    desVar("r_length")) evalstring( desVar("cf")) evalstring(
    desVar("ccomp")) r b n ue zf )


    The variable cornerType is set to "ws" at the beginning within a
    foreach-loop. Tha expressions above are all within this loop. The
    close(outp) is out of the loop.

    When I start this script with ocean it works fine. The file results.log
    is opened, the results from each run of the loop are wirtten to the file
    and the file is closed.

    When I call ocean from within a C program using the following
    expressions ( an .oceanrc with the file name of the script is existing):

    sprintf(h_txt, "ocean -nograph\n");

    it returns the following error messages
    What's wrong?

    The call from within the C program works if I don't use the output
    expressions above.

    Best regards


    F. Nitsche
    Technical Manager Chipdesign
    MAZeT GmbH
    Frank Nitsche, Nov 4, 2003
  2. Without seeing the whole example, I can't be sure.

    However, one thing that doesn't look right - there shouldn't be a "\n" in your
    sprintf in the C program - since the command shouldn't have a carriage return at the
    end of it. I can't quite see why that would have the problems you're seeing, but it's
    worth a try.

    I assume that when you try it normally you just do "ocean -nograph" too?

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 4, 2003
  3. Frank Nitsche

    S. Badel Guest

    just had a look on sourcelink.
    there's a solution on this issue (#11110574)
    here's what it says:

    This occurs only in the case when a simulation has not been run before using
    ocnPrint. This
    is because ocnPrint requires that the path to resultDir should be set. The
    path to resultDir
    is set by default if the simulation is run, or this can be set using
    openResults function.

    To overcome this problem use the openResults function to set the path to a
    valid PSF directory.

    S. Badel, Nov 4, 2003
  4. Thanks,

    it seems to be the solution. I made some experiments in the last days
    regarding this point and came to the same result.
    It's important to have a results directory with valid psf data.

    It works also without running a simulation within the script, but I must
    have run a simulation anytimes before to have valid psf data. I only
    have to select a simulator, a results directory with valid psf data and
    openResults(resultsDir()). This has to be done also when I only use
    internal variables ( which would no require any simulation).
    The example looks like this ( contains desVar expressions e.g.
    for the variable "laenge"):

    outp = outfile( "xxx.log" )
    laenge = evalstring( desVar("laenge"))
    d = (laenge+2.0)*(laenge+2.0)
    ocnPrint( ?output "xxx.log" d )
    ocnPrint(?output "ocean_out" d)

    This example works with ocean, ocean -nograph and also with the system
    call from within a C program.

    I've also seen the print expression in ocean which can also print to a
    port. What's the difference between ocnPrint and print ? Using ocnPrint
    I can place format informations within the expression. Is this the only

    Best regards


    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Dr. Frank Nitsche
    Technischer Leiter Chipdesign

    MAZeT GmbH Email: mailto:
    Göschwitzer Str. 32 Tel : (3641) 2809 0
    D-07745 Jena Fax : (3641) 2809 12

    Besuchen Sie bitte unsere Web-Seiten:
    Frank Nitsche, Nov 7, 2003
  5. printf() is the low level SKILL function (based on the C printf function). It can deal
    with printing individual values (although it does handle lists).

    ocnPrint is a higher level function - geared up more for dealing with waveform
    objects and so on. You can control the precision and formatting to some extent, but
    whilst more convenient than printf for waveform objects, it is less flexible overall.
    (note, you can print a waveform object directly with a single call to printf).

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 7, 2003
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