Error with word document in drawing...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by IYM, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. IYM

    IYM Guest

    Have an interesting minor (but agitating) problem. I have SWx 2006, 4.1
    recently installed on a new PC. I've always had my notes on the drawing in
    Word, and have always edited them in the drawing by double clicking the
    notes to make changes and not by right clicking and choosing "edit with
    document" method. Now, however, when I edit by double clicking, I get
    "Failed to Launch Server Application". I can, however edit it using the
    "edit with document" method. I've tried ending word in the task manager
    with no luck. This does this on a fresh restart too with the same result.
    (restart, start SWx only and try to edit) Like I said, this is a new
    install on a new machine so I suspect a silly setting or something and have
    wasted too much time poking around, so I figured I'd ask here if anyone else
    had run into this and corrected it before. Any ideas?


    IYM, Jun 6, 2006
  2. IYM

    Jeff Guest


    This is due to the OLE interface not working correctly. You can test
    this by inserting a word doc in another program like powerpoint or
    something and then try double-clicking to edit. If it does not work in
    another program then you will either need to try applying a service
    pack to ms office, or reinstalling office all together.

    Jeff, Jun 7, 2006
  3. IYM

    IYM Guest

    Jeff - Thanks for the response! I tried as you said and have no problem
    editiing Word within Powerpoint as suggested. That said, it's something
    between Word and SWx. as I can edit an Excel workbook within SWx with no
    problem, just Word is giving me issues....

    IYM, Jun 7, 2006
  4. IYM

    ambush Guest

    Do you have Norton Anti-virus running with script blocking? We had this
    issue a couple of releases ago. Symantic was not much help as the problem
    would reappear after every AV update. We ended up dumping that bloated

    ambush, Jun 8, 2006
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