Error with Publish

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bart, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. Bart

    Bart Guest

    I can save a list of drawings using publish, but when I restart publish and
    try to load the list, I get the following error........Error Reading List

    In more detail.......

    I click the publish button, it asks me to save so I do.
    I click remove all to start a new list.
    I click add sheets.
    I get the duplicate sheet name dialog box. I change the name to make it
    happy. This box only seems to pop up when I try to add the same sheet as the
    current drawing I'm in.
    I select the sheets I want.
    I change the page setup of each of the drawings.
    I click save list and I can save the list just fine.
    I then click the publish button and everything prints fine.
    I exit out of Acad and click the publish button.
    I click load list and click on the desired file.
    Thats when I get the error.

    If I go to another computer I can make lists, save and load just fine. But
    as soon as I try to open the list from my computer, I get the error.

    does anybody know what causes this?
    Acad 2004 sp 1a
    Windows XP
    Bart, Feb 13, 2004
  2. Bart

    Bart Guest

    maybe acad 2005 will solve my problem!
    Bart, Feb 18, 2004
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