; error: too few arguments

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by T.Willey, May 19, 2004.

  1. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    I can't find where this error is coming from. I have been looking for it for about an hour. Any help is appreciated.

    (defun c:cl(/ob1 ob2 ob3 ob4)

    (command "undo" "end")
    (command "undo" "group")


    (while (setq ob1 (nentsel "\nSelect dimension line to change to center ltype: "))
    (if (= (vl-list-length ob1) 4)
    (setq ob2 (entget (caar (cdddr ob1))))
    (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 ob2)) "DIMENSION")
    (setq ob3 (entget (car ob1)))
    (if (assoc 6 ob3)
    (setq ob4 (subst (cons 6 "CENTER") (assoc 6 ob3) ob3))
    (setq ob4 (append ob3 (list (cons 6 "CENTER"))))
    (entmod ob4)
    (entupd (cdr (assoc -1 ob2)))
    (prompt "\n No dimension selected: ")
    (prompt "\n No dimension selected: ")

    (command "undo" "end")


    (defun lt-check(/tb1 ltlist1)

    (setq tb1 (tblnext "ltype" T))
    (setq ltlist1 (list (cdr (assoc 2 tb1))))

    (while (setq tb1 (tblnext "ltype"))
    (setq ltlist1 (append ltlist1 (list (cdr (assoc 2 tb1)))))

    (if (not (member "CENTER" ltlist1))
    (command "-linetype" "l" "CENTER" "ACAD.LIN" "")


    Thanks in advance.
    T.Willey, May 19, 2004
  2. Both of your defuns need a space added.

    put a space after the /

    (defun whatever (/ <space here> <then local vars>)


    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator

    hour. Any help is appreciated.
    Jason Piercey, May 19, 2004
  3. T.Willey

    ECCAD Guest

    Isn't (command "_linetype"...
    followed by (7) parameters ?

    ECCAD, May 19, 2004
  4. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    Command: -LINETYPE

    Current line type: "ByLayer"
    Enter an option [?/Create/Load/Set]: L

    Enter linetype(s) to load: CENTER

    Linetype "CENTER" loaded.

    Enter an option [?/Create/Load/Set]:

    Command: *Cancel*

    I copy pasted that line of code into autocad and it seemed to work. This is what I got when I typed "-linetype" at the command line. But that function seemed to work, so it looks as if something is wrong in the first part.


    T.Willey, May 19, 2004
  5. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    Thanks Jason.
    That did it. Wow so simply and I missed it. Thanks for the fast responses you guys.
    Another problem sloved by this group.

    T.Willey, May 19, 2004
  6. T.Willey

    ECCAD Guest

    OK. I missed the <space> on the var.. Duh.

    ECCAD, May 19, 2004
  7. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    Now that it works, I was wondering if there is a way to make it work better. How can I make the loop work so that enter is the only way to get out of the command. Right now if I try selecting a dim line, but don't hit it, it exit the command. I could use this in other lisp routines I have, but haven't found a way to make it work like that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks again for all the help.

    T.Willey, May 20, 2004
  8. T.Willey

    ECCAD Guest

    Try this technique. (untested).

    (defun c:cl(/ ob1 ob2 ob3 ob4 flag pt)
    (command "undo" "end")
    (command "undo" "group")
    (setq flag 0); exit flag - no point pick
    (while (= flag 0)
    (setq pt nil)
    (setq pt (getpoint "\nSelect dimension line to change to center ltype or {Enter} to quit: "))
    (setq ob1 (nentsel pt)); get object
    ; (setq ob1 (nentsel "\nSelect dimension line to change to center ltype: "))
    (if (= (vl-list-length ob1) 4)
    (setq ob2 (entget (caar (cdddr ob1))))
    (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 ob2)) "DIMENSION")
    (setq ob3 (entget (car ob1)))
    (if (assoc 6 ob3)
    (setq ob4 (subst (cons 6 "CENTER") (assoc 6 ob3) ob3))
    (setq ob4 (append ob3 (list (cons 6 "CENTER"))))
    ); end if
    (entmod ob4)
    (entupd (cdr (assoc -1 ob2)))
    ); end progn
    (prompt "\n No dimension selected: ")
    ); end if
    ); end progn
    (prompt "\n No dimension selected: ")
    ); end if
    (if (= pt nil)(setq flag 1)); no point picked, exit
    ); end while
    (command "undo" "end")
    ); end function

    (defun lt-check(/ tb1 ltlist1)
    (setq tb1 (tblnext "ltype" T))
    (setq ltlist1 (list (cdr (assoc 2 tb1))))
    (while (setq tb1 (tblnext "ltype"))
    (setq ltlist1 (append ltlist1 (list (cdr (assoc 2 tb1)))))
    (if (not (member "CENTER" ltlist1))
    (command "-linetype" "l" "CENTER" "ACAD.LIN" "")

    ECCAD, May 20, 2004
  9. T.Willey

    ECCAD Guest

    Last post will probably fail if ob1 is nil, better check for that.
    add :
    (if ob1
    ); end progn
    ); end if

    ECCAD, May 20, 2004
  10. T.Willey

    T.Willey Guest

    (defun c:cl(/ ob1 ob2 ob3 ob4 flag pt)
    (command "undo" "end")
    (command "undo" "group")
    (setq flag 0); exit flag - no point pick
    (setq os1 (getvar "osmode"))
    (setvar "osmode" 512)
    (while (= flag 0)
    (setq pt nil)
    (setq pt (getpoint "\nSelect dimension line to change to center ltype or {Enter} to quit: "))
    (if pt
    (setq ob1 (nentselp pt)); get object
    (if (= (vl-list-length ob1) 4)
    (setq ob2 (entget (caar (cdddr ob1))))
    (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 ob2)) "DIMENSION")
    (setq ob3 (entget (car ob1)))
    (if (assoc 6 ob3)
    (setq ob4 (subst (cons 6 "CENTER") (assoc 6 ob3) ob3))
    (setq ob4 (append ob3 (list (cons 6 "CENTER"))))
    ); end if
    (entmod ob4)
    (entupd (cdr (assoc -1 ob2)))
    ); end progn
    (prompt "\n No dimension selected: ")
    ); end if
    ); end progn
    (prompt "\n No dimension selected: ")
    ); end if
    ); end progn
    (setq flag 1); no point picked, exit
    ); end if
    ); end while

    (setvar "osmode" os1)
    (command "undo" "end")
    ); end function

    (defun lt-check(/ tb1 ltlist1)
    (setq tb1 (tblnext "ltype" T))
    (setq ltlist1 (list (cdr (assoc 2 tb1))))
    (while (setq tb1 (tblnext "ltype"))
    (setq ltlist1 (append ltlist1 (list (cdr (assoc 2 tb1)))))
    (if (not (member "CENTER" ltlist1))
    (command "-linetype" "l" "CENTER" "ACAD.LIN" "")

    I had to change a few lines, but that helped out alot, and it works the way I wanted it to. Thanks.

    This raised a question now about dimension lines. When I select a short dim line, it changes it the way I want, but if it's short it doesn't look like a center line, and when I stretch it out it won't show either, so then I checked the dfx code, and it has a dotted pair to show center but it doesn't display as the center line type. So to solve that problem I was wondering if there is a way to check to see if it will show? Because if I can do that, then If it won't show then I can load a smaller scale center line type.

    Thanks for all the help.

    T.Willey, May 20, 2004
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