Error Problem - Plotting Problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by A Diaz, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. A Diaz

    A Diaz Guest

    I have two xrefs I am using on several drawings that when I plot those
    drawings, some walls, plumbing fixtures, and other objects from the xrefs
    are missing. You could see them on the screen. All the layers are ON and
    Thawed but they don't plot.
    If I audit the drawing it shows 0 errors. There is nothing to purge when I
    run the purge command. But if I run the AUDIT command again (after purge) it
    shows more than 200 errors (AcDbPoint(26EE)---Invalid layer Not
    opened---$AUDIT-BAD-LAYER) and then I could see the objects on my print. If
    I save the drawing after doing this and I open it again, I got the same
    problem and I have to repeat this operation every time I want to plot.

    I was trying to see if the cause is the xref, but I have other drawing using
    the same xref with no problem at all. I saved the drawings and the xrefs as
    dxf 2000, r14, r13, r12. I wblocked them with any luck. I re-created the
    drawing, ... nothing. The thing happens after I xref the background. So, I
    suppose the xref is bringing the problem, but I don't know how to solve it.

    We use Acad2000i, Windows2000 Pro and XP Pro. I have installed the service
    packs and object enablers. Original background were created using ADT3.3. If
    anyone had the same problem before and know the answer, please it will be
    greatly appreciate.
    A Diaz, Apr 1, 2004
  2. A Diaz

    Talsky Guest

    I had this happen a few years ago.

    It is not your plotter, drivers, pc3 files or AutoCAD installation.

    My error message was "$AUDIT-BAD-BLOCK". This would appear on the computer
    screen when I tried to plot. The plot would not succeed, and if I remember
    correctly, I think it crashed AutoCAD. When I would re-open the drawing I
    would have that error message show up. I am not positive about the
    crashing. It has been a long time out of my mind.

    We had a third party application that would calculate the square feet of
    lease spaces, and insert a block that was derived from Softdesk software.
    The block was a schedule of all the spaces, their names and square feet,
    with some other data included. Originally we did this on AutoCAD R14, with
    one PaperSpace, and there was no problem.

    What happened was that when AutoCAD 2000 came out with multiple layouts, I
    took advantage of this and created two different layouts for two different
    departments. One needed the schedule and one did not. In my zest for
    multiple layouts, I simply copied the first layout to create the second
    layout. This meant that the schedule appeared in both layouts. For the
    second layout, I simply erased the schedule.

    It turned out that the 'bad block' was the missing schedule.

    To fix this I would erase the error message from the layout where it
    occurred. Then I would run an audit and fix the errors. There were always
    two errors, and that was because there was a legend block along with the
    schedule block.

    Once I did the audit on that layout that layout would plot ok, and I would
    not have to repeat the audit the next time. Once fixed, it stayed fixed.

    I relate this story to you, not to solve your problem, but only to tell you
    about my similar situation, so that maybe it will light your way, and give
    you some idea where to look.

    I suggest that you WBlock out the model space objects, and WBlock out the
    paperspace objects to two different Wblocks. Then open a new drawing,
    insert both WBlocks, one to mspace, and one to pspace. Do this for the XRef
    source drawings as well as the host drawing. Audit all of them, and fix the
    errors. Erase any error messages before you do the Audit.

    It sounds like you once had 200 blocks or objects that were erased, but
    can't be purged because of the insertion point or other object being on a
    corrupt layer that was somehow purged or corrupted.

    Good luck, and I hope my experience will help you find the solution.

    Jack Talsky
    Talsky, Apr 3, 2004
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