Error Problem - Plotting Problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by A Diaz, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. A Diaz

    A Diaz Guest

    Probably this is not the right place to post this but any help will be

    I have two xrefs I am using on several drawings that when I plot those
    drawings, some walls, plumbing fixtures, and other objects from the xrefs
    are missing. You could see them on the screen. All the layers are ON and
    Thawed but they don't plot.
    If I audit the drawing it shows 0 errors. There is nothing to purge when I
    run the purge command. But if I run the AUDIT command again (after purge) it
    shows more than 200 errors (AcDbPoint(26EE)---Invalid layer Not
    opened---$AUDIT-BAD-LAYER) and then I could see the objects on my print. If
    I save the drawing after doing this and I open it again, I got the same
    problem and I have to repeat this operation every time I want to plot.

    I was trying to see if the cause is the xref, but I have other drawing using
    the same xref with no problem at all. I saved the drawings and the xrefs as
    dxf 2000, r14, r13, r12. I wblocked them with any luck. I re-created the
    drawing, ... nothing. The thing happens after I xref the background. So, I
    suppose the xref is bringing the problem, but I don't know how to solve it.

    We use Acad2000i, Windows2000 Pro and XP Pro. I have installed the service
    packs and object enablers. Original background were created using ADT3.3. If
    anyone had the same problem before and know the answer, please it will be
    greatly appreciate.
    A Diaz, Apr 1, 2004
  2. Using Layer command, check to make sure Plot Layer is turned on.
    From Layer Help -

    Plot/Don't Plot

    Controls whether the selected layers are plotted. If you turn off plotting
    for a layer, the objects on that layer are still displayed. Turning off
    plotting for a layer affects only visible layers in the drawing (layers that
    are on and thawed). If a layer is set to plot but is currently frozen or off
    in the drawing, AutoCAD does not plot the layer. Turning off plotting for
    layers containing reference information such as construction lines can be
    Alan Henderson, Apr 2, 2004
  3. A,

    Are the non-plotting objects in question parts of blocks, or are they normal
    lines/arcs/circles in the Xref?


    Matt Stachoni, Apr 2, 2004
  4. A Diaz

    A Diaz Guest

    The plot option is on
    A Diaz, Apr 2, 2004
  5. A Diaz

    A Diaz Guest

    The objects are normal and simple lines, arcs, circles.
    The same xref on others drawings plot fine.
    A Diaz, Apr 2, 2004
  6. A Diaz

    tsigwing Guest

    They on defpoints?
    tsigwing, Apr 2, 2004
  7. A Diaz

    A Diaz Guest

    I found a temporary solution but I still playing with the drawings.
    Thank you for your answers.
    A Diaz, Apr 2, 2004
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