Error on loading (vl-load-com)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Pierre de la Verre, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. Hello

    we are using Acad2002 within Windows 2000 Professional-Network, and I have
    some problems with (vl-load-com).

    On some Pcs it works fine, on others only after typing it twice, and on
    other PCs it does not work. The message which appears is (german):

    ; Fehler: COM-Ausnahmebedingung: Fehler beim Zugriff auf OLE-Registrierung.

    "(Error: COM-exceptional condition. Error on access to OLE-Registration)" -
    I know, it's a lousy translation ...

    What happened here??? All users seem to have the same right ("Users").

    Thanks a lot.

    Pierre de la Verre, Nov 13, 2003
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