Error in Using Calibre for DRC

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bearsarebears, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. Hi,

    I have a problem using Calibre for DRC. I'm using encounter followed
    by virtuoso to stream out the physical gds. However, when I use
    calibre for DRC I obtain the following error:

    ERROR: Cell VIA2_C$$168816684 is referenced but not defined.

    *** Calibre finished with Exit Code: 4 ***

    How should I solve this problem?

    Thank you.
    bearsarebears, Dec 17, 2008
  2. Hi,
    May be problem in your PCells.
    Check Virtuoso Check-Out Options: icfb->File->Export->Strem->Options
    You must set "Convert PCells to Geometry"

    gaitukevich.s, Dec 18, 2008
  3. bearsarebears

    gmc_99 Guest


    Another option is Encounter uses different vias in it's implementation
    than are normaly in the library. These need to be in the library (tech
    file) that you import the design into. If these are missing then you
    will see this in the kind of thing. First open up the layout in
    virtuoso and check if the vias exist or not. If they are not there
    then you need to add them in.

    What I did last time was export the tech file for the tech library you
    are using (tools->techfile manager->dump). Then merge in these vias -
    look at the bottom of the tech file for via definitions. Load in this
    new tech file to a new empty library and then import the Encounter
    data in to another new lib with this new tech file library as the

    I'm not sure where we got these via definitions from though - ask your
    Encounter AE or you may find that you have a digital LEF in the PDK/
    library that contains them - if so import the LEF into a new library
    export the tech and merge as above.

    gmc_99, Dec 18, 2008
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