Error Handler - am I asking to much?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Randy Richardson, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Here's what I want from my VBA error handler:

    I want it to read the values of all of the controls on my form.

    I want it to respond to any error that occurs while running the form.

    I do not want to retype the error handler for each control on the form. Not
    even just to reference a function.

    Now that I've enumerated these 3 requirements, my own efforts have suggested
    to me that it cannot be done. I tried creating the error handler in the
    module rather than the form but that did not work because at that point the
    form has not yet been defined so it will not let me reference the controls
    therein. I tried creating the error handler in the Initialize function, but
    that only works as long as the form is initializing.

    I guess what I really want is for someone to prove me wrong and tell me how
    this can be done, but lacking that I would appreciate it if someone would
    confirm for me that I'm right.

    Thank you very much.

    Randy Richardson
    Randy Richardson, Jun 15, 2004
  2. Randy Richardson

    Ed Jobe Guest

    Each object should handle its own errors. If I wrote a piece of code, would you want to be responsible for it? Then why make some module responsible for handling the errors of some other module? Further, it complicates debugging. If a procedure has no error trapping and an error occurs within it, then the unhandled error bubbles up to the calling procedure. This could reaction could chain for several nested levels until something handles it. Eventually you might get some generic message that's not very helpful in determining where the problem lies.

    Here's what I want from my VBA error handler:

    I want it to read the values of all of the controls on my form.

    I want it to respond to any error that occurs while running the form.

    I do not want to retype the error handler for each control on the form. Not
    even just to reference a function.

    Now that I've enumerated these 3 requirements, my own efforts have suggested
    to me that it cannot be done. I tried creating the error handler in the
    module rather than the form but that did not work because at that point the
    form has not yet been defined so it will not let me reference the controls
    therein. I tried creating the error handler in the Initialize function, but
    that only works as long as the form is initializing.

    I guess what I really want is for someone to prove me wrong and tell me how
    this can be done, but lacking that I would appreciate it if someone would
    confirm for me that I'm right.

    Thank you very much.

    Randy Richardson
    Ed Jobe, Jun 15, 2004
  3. Since my mis-spelling of the word "too" in the subject heading makes me look
    like an idiot, may I here defend myself my saying it was a typo rather than
    a reflection of my cognitive function?


    Oh wel.
    Randy Richardson, Jun 16, 2004
  4. Thank you for your response, Ed, for an explanation of your philosophy.

    Generally, I'm more interested in what I *can* do than in what I *should*
    do. My purpose for error trapping has nothing to do with debugging (it's
    easier without an error handler anyway) and the error handler will be
    identical for each of several dozens of event handlers. And, just to set
    the record straight, I'm only talking about one module.

    If no one sets me straight on my opinion that what I want to do can not be
    done, I'll just have to assume that my conclusion is correct.

    Thanks again,


    Each object should handle its own errors. If I wrote a piece of code, would
    you want to be responsible for it? Then why make some module responsible for
    handling the errors of some other module? Further, it complicates debugging.
    If a procedure has no error trapping and an error occurs within it, then the
    unhandled error bubbles up to the calling procedure. This could reaction
    could chain for several nested levels until something handles it. Eventually
    you might get some generic message that's not very helpful in determining
    where the problem lies.
    Randy Richardson, Jun 16, 2004
  5. Randy Richardson

    Ed Jobe Guest

    After rereading your previous post, it seems like what you want is not really what we would think of as an error handler. You want data validation. You can handle that in a control's OnChange event. The form does not have such an event, but you could handle validation in the form's OK button, i.e. when they dismiss the form, validate data. If all is ok, close the form and proceed or pop a MsgBox and cancel the action, making them enter correct data.

    Thank you for your response, Ed, for an explanation of your philosophy.

    Generally, I'm more interested in what I *can* do than in what I *should*
    do. My purpose for error trapping has nothing to do with debugging (it's
    easier without an error handler anyway) and the error handler will be
    identical for each of several dozens of event handlers. And, just to set
    the record straight, I'm only talking about one module.

    If no one sets me straight on my opinion that what I want to do can not be
    done, I'll just have to assume that my conclusion is correct.

    Thanks again,


    Each object should handle its own errors. If I wrote a piece of code, would
    you want to be responsible for it? Then why make some module responsible for
    handling the errors of some other module? Further, it complicates debugging.
    If a procedure has no error trapping and an error occurs within it, then the
    unhandled error bubbles up to the calling procedure. This could reaction
    could chain for several nested levels until something handles it. Eventually
    you might get some generic message that's not very helpful in determining
    where the problem lies.
    Ed Jobe, Jun 16, 2004
  6. It really is an error handler that I need, but it's for preserving hours of
    dialog box entry labor, not for debugging. For any unanticipated error,
    usually a coding error. I've found an approximate method for doing what I
    wanted, though. More work than I wanted to do, but it looks like it will

    Debugging is important, but first I have to be sure the user doesn't lose
    all his work.

    All event-handling functions are going to run through an EventHandler
    function that will define the error handler before continuing.



    After rereading your previous post, it seems like what you want is not
    really what we would think of as an error handler. You want data validation.
    You can handle that in a control's OnChange event. The form does not have
    such an event, but you could handle validation in the form's OK button, i.e.
    when they dismiss the form, validate data. If all is ok, close the form and
    proceed or pop a MsgBox and cancel the action, making them enter correct
    Randy Richardson, Jun 16, 2004
  7. hours of dialog box entry labor,

    yikes !! I would try to find or create two routines "SaveForm" and
    "LoadForm" that would loop through the form's controls and save their
    current values to a temporary file. The user pushes a button on the form to
    save the control values, and then when the user pushes the "LoadForm" button
    it just resets the controls' values to match the file, maybe with an "Are
    you sure?" prompt for accidental button clicks.

    Just my thoughts... at least then when they lose hours of work you can say
    "why didn't you save?"

    James Belshan, Jun 16, 2004
  8. I meant to add...

    To me, this seems more do-able than trying to write crash-proof code, since
    ACAD is not even crash-proof, nor Windows.

    I'd help you with this part since it's something I wouldn't mind having in
    my back pocket.

    James Belshan, Jun 16, 2004
  9. Thanks, James. I already have a way of saving if the user thinks of it,
    similar to what you've described. I just want to have it saved in the event
    of a crash, too. Although I really do try to write crash-proof code, the
    error handler is the safety net for when it's not.

    I got it under control now.

    Thanks again.

    Randy Richardson, Jun 16, 2004
  10. Randy Richardson

    Tim Arheit Guest

    I think it could be done using late binding. Something like:

    Public Sub ShowForm(byval f as Form)
    Dim c as Control

    On Error Goto ErrorHandle
    f.Show vbModal
    Exit Sub

    Resume Cleanup

    ' Ignore all errors here since we can't deal with them anyways.
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each c In f.Controls
    Select Case TypeName(c)
    Case "TextBox"
    Debug.Print c.Text
    Case "CheckBox"
    Debug.Print c.Value
    End Select
    End Sub

    Now when you show the form do so like:
    Call ShowForm(frmMyForm)

    And all errors not trapped internally by the form will be caught by
    the ShowForm routine and it will iterate though all controls on the
    form and will determine their type and print their value. Obviously
    only textobx and checkbox are handled above.

    Tim Arheit, Jun 16, 2004
  11. Randy Richardson

    wivory Guest

    I'm sure "Oh wel" was deliberate, but I wonder if "my saying" was.


    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Jun 17, 2004
  12. Ha! I noticed that almost immediately (after I posted it of course) but
    thought that all you generous people would overlook it.

    It definitely was another typo, but at least it looks like a typo rather
    than a symptom of stupidity. Too me, anyway.

    Randy Richardson, Jun 17, 2004
  13. Just to follow up, for any previous-post searchers in the future:

    I found that the simplest method was to create a function to be the error
    handler, and to define the error handler to go to that function in each
    event-handling function. So I had to repeat the same code 140 times because
    I have 140 event-handling functions. I guessed low in a previous post.

    Other methods that I or others came up with (some came by email) either
    didn't work or were even more work than this.

    At least it's done now. Thank goodness for Control-V.

    Randy Richardson, Jun 17, 2004
  14. Randy Richardson

    Dave Guest

    FYI, a company called FMS
    ( makes a product called
    Total Visual CodeTools that will automatically insert error handling code in
    any procedures that lack them. It works off a customizable template, so you
    can control the code it generates. I've only used in it Access development
    so far, but it's also supposed to work in VB and other VBA environments.

    Dave, Jun 18, 2004
  15. Randy Richardson

    Anthony Ryan Guest

    Just a question to clarify it for myself.

    The proposal that you are asking is something along the lines of a
    public event that is triggered by any error that is generated within
    the whole project?

    E.G. There is no declaration of any error handler in any functions,
    etc but once the err object raises any error it runs your error
    handling code (similar to the way VBA handles errors when no error
    handling is present - the default msgbox).

    Anthony Ryan, Jun 23, 2004
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