*error* function

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Marie Desaulniers, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. I created a function that calls other functions. The other function names are stored in a variable and I call them using EVAL. When the process is cancelled during the execution of those functions, the *error* function doesn't work but it works fine if the function is cancelled before or after. Any idea ?
    Marie Desaulniers, Sep 29, 2004
  2. Marie Desaulniers

    SpeedCAD Guest


    And your code, Where is??. We need see it
    SpeedCAD, Sep 29, 2004
  3. The code is very longer than this but I think you could understand with that part. The problem occurs if I cancel the function during the INSERT command in the 4PTS-SQ function.

    (defun multiple-insert (sym-name function-name / )
    (setq multi-olderror *error*)
    (setq *error* multi-newerror)
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq attr (getvar "attreq"))
    (setvar "attreq" 0)
    (setq clay (getvar "CLAYER"))
    (setq osm (getvar "osmode"))
    (setq cle "symbole")
    (setq diapo sym-name)
    (setq fich_dia (load_dialog "multi-insert.dcl"))
    (setq what_next 3)
    (while (and (/= what_next 0) (>= what_next 2))
    (setq boite_dia (new_dialog "multi_insert" fich_dia))
    (start_image cle)
    (setq xt1 (dimx_tile cle)
    yt1 (dimy_tile cle)
    (fill_image 0 0 xt1 yt1 253)
    (slide_image 0 0 xt1 yt1 diapo)
    "(setq xc $x) (setq yc $y) (action_dialog xc yc)"
    (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")
    (setq what_next (start_dialog))
    (cond ((= what_next 0)
    (if (= what_next 1)
    (eval (list (read function-name) sym-name))
    (setq bl (entlast))
    (fill-att bl)
    (command "purge" "b" purge-name "n")
    (setvar "CLAYER" clay)
    (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
    (setvar "osmode" osm)
    (setvar "attreq" attr)
    (setq *error* multi-olderror)

    ; Here's one the possible function

    (defun 4PTS-REC (sym-name / )
    (cond ((and (>= xc 60) (< xc 120) (< yc 30))
    (command "insert" (strcat sym-name "-HM") pause 1 1 0)
    (setq bl (entlast))
    (rep-sym sym-name bl)
    ((and (< xc 60) (>= yc 30) (< yc 70))
    (command "insert" (strcat sym-name "-MG") pause 1 1 0)
    (setq bl (entlast))
    (rep-sym sym-name bl)
    ((and (>= xc 120) (>= yc 30) (< yc 70))
    (command "insert" (strcat sym-name "-MD") pause 1 1 0)
    (setq bl (entlast))
    (rep-sym sym-name bl)
    ((and (>= xc 60) (< xc 120) (>= yc 70))
    (command "insert" (strcat sym-name "-BM") pause 1 1 0)
    (setq bl (entlast))
    (rep-sym sym-name bl)

    ; Here is the *error* function

    (defun multi-newerror (msg)
    (setq *error* multi-olderror)
    (if osm (setvar "osmode" osm))
    (if attr (setvar "attreq" attr))
    (if clay (setvar "clayer" clay))
    (if attd (setvar "attdia" attd))
    (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
    Marie Desaulniers, Sep 29, 2004
  4. Marie Desaulniers

    scaner Guest

    Hola SpeedCAD

    ¿Sabes que pasa con el foro?
    Hace varios días que no puedo entrar.

    Un saludo
    scaner, Sep 29, 2004
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