Error exporting to CIF file

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by btriffles, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. btriffles

    btriffles Guest


    I have a design (class project) that I will be submitting to a
    fabrication company, MOSIS. MOSIS requires layouts to be submitted in
    the CIF format. When attempting to export my design to a CIF file (in
    the command window, File -> Export -> CIF), I receive the following
    error message:

    * Fatal * (poCifCreateCellInst) - Bad master name (ADCres) in cell
    FATAL (285): Data translation unsuccessful.
    *Fatal error occured* - Data translation unsuccessful.

    Does anyone know what this error means or how I can track it down?

    Here is some relevant information:
    -The "ADCres" is a resistor used in the design. I have remade the
    design with a completely new resistor, and the same error message
    occurs with the new resistor's name.
    -All components (and subcomponents) of the design pass DRC and LVS
    checks with zero errors, and the post-layout simulation results are
    -I have no problems exporting any other designs to a CIF file.
    -The version of the exporter (PIPO) is as follows:
    Virtuoso(R) CIF Writer, pipo.exe version 5.0.0 08/17/2004 08:38
    (intelibm12) $, sub-version 5.0.33_USR3.16.35

    If you need any more details about my design or environment, just let
    me know.

    Thanks for any help,
    btriffles, Apr 22, 2006
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