Error after SP Installs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Jones, Jul 28, 2003.

  1. John Jones

    John Jones Guest

    I applied Service Packs 1 and 2 to our two ACAD 2000 installations
    Saturday (the plotting update had been previously applied). One of the
    users has just informed me that she is now getting the following error
    message when she attempts to start AutoCAD:

    "The procedure entry
    point?resetDocGlobals@AcDblmpDatabase@@QAEXPAVAcDbGlobals@@@Zcould not
    be located in the dynamic link library ACDB15.dll."

    Any idea what might be wrong? The installation logs didn't report any
    problems in applying either service pack.

    John Jones, Detroit
    John Jones, Jul 28, 2003
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