Error-Abort Dialog box, AutoCAD Crash

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by steedj, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. steedj

    steedj Guest

    I have a Postscript Plot lisp routine that issues the -plot command and thus plots from the command line.
    When Prompted for the output device name, the routine enters: "AutoCAD Postscript" and that's when my problems occur...

    (Note: "AutoCAD Postscript" is my postscript plot driver and was setup using the adobe postscript driver that I got from the Adobe website . I also have some custom page sizes assigned to that plot driver that the routine uses as well.)

    ...Here's what happens:
    I get an Error dialog box entitled: "AutoCAD Error-Abort",
    with the error message: "Error Handler Re-entered";
    Furthermore; the command line shows : "Error exception occurred at 0XE0000001".

    Clicking on the Error dialog boxes [OK] button, Instantly CRASHES AutoCAD.

    Does anyone have the slightest clue why this happens?

    Joey Steed
    Tucker, GA. USA
    steedj, Jul 15, 2004
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