Error [17.1.84]

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Maxence Delannoy, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. I've got an error [17.1.84] when I'm trying to import a licence on a
    computer. The name and the code are correct in the Portable Licence
    Utility. I've tried to reexport from the source machine, but it doesn't
    work. My licence is beetween 2 computers and I'm not able to recover it.

    Please help !
    Maxence Delannoy, Mar 1, 2005
  2. Maxence Delannoy

    Cy Shuster Guest

    You've probably just lost track of which direction you were going last.
    Re-export on both PCs, making sure to name the export file differently (i.e.
    "PC1-to-PC2" and "PC2-to-PC1"). Try to import on each PC.

    One of them will work; the other will fail with the 84 error.

    Cy Shuster, Mar 9, 2005
  3. You've probably just lost track of which direction you were going last.
    Thanks for the response, but it's not a problem of name mismatch. I've
    checked this and everything is ok. In the meanwhile, I've tried to
    export an other licence to this computer and I've the same problem.
    Now I've lost 2 licences... :-(
    Maxence Delannoy, Mar 22, 2005
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