Error [1.5.-5] when starting AutoCad 2005 clients

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dommy, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. dommy

    dommy Guest

    I have installed AutoCAD 2005 Network license manager on a pc for use as a single server license manager and automatically obtained a network license. I have configured the license manager as per the instructions. I set up a deployment file and then used to install AutoCAD on another machine. When I try to run AutoCAD on that machine, I get the following error:
    "AutoCAD 2005 License Alert.
    A valid license could not be obtained by the network license manager. Try again. If you are still unable to access a license, contact your system administrator.
    Error [1.5.-5]"
    The network license service is running ok on the server.

    Please can someone help?
    dommy, Apr 30, 2004
  2. Hi,

    That error indicates that the license file on your license server is not the
    correct license for the client app - or vice versa. On your license server,
    run lmtools.exe, go to the Server Status tab and select 'Perform Status
    Enquiry'. Report back here what status is given.

    Greg Suppes
    Autodesk, Inc.

    single server license manager and automatically obtained a network license.
    I have configured the license manager as per the instructions. I set up a
    deployment file and then used to install AutoCAD on another machine. When I
    try to run AutoCAD on that machine, I get the following error:
    again. If you are still unable to access a license, contact your system
    Greg Suppes [Autodesk], Apr 30, 2004
  3. dommy

    dommy Guest

    Hi Greg,

    This is everything it displayed after I pressed the 'Perform Status Enquiry' button.


    Flexible License Manager status on Fri 4/30/2004 16:47

    [Detecting lmgrd processes...]
    License server status: 27000@eeds0909
    License file(s) on eeds0909: C:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\ACD2005eeds0909.lic:

    eeds0909: license server UP (MASTER) v9.2

    Vendor daemon status (on eeds0909):

    adskflex: UP v9.2

    Feature usage info:

    Users of 46300ACD_2005_0F: (Error: 2 licenses, unsupported by licensed server)
    dommy, Apr 30, 2004
  4. Hi,

    I can try to help you, but I need to see your debug log and license file
    from the server and licpath.lic file from the client, you can send it to me


    Efim Tetelman \(Autodesk, Inc\), Apr 30, 2004
  5. dommy

    drosenberg Guest

    I am receiving the same message as dommy, however in my case the license manager reports that we have 15 licenses available with 0 current users.

    Do you have any advice for me?

    drosenberg, Jan 25, 2005
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