Here is an ER that I just submitted. If you agree, go to the SW website and add your vote to it. WT I like the Instant 3D as it is faster in a lot of instances. I have also verified that it respects configuration specific dimensions. This is good and makes it usable. However, I am still nervous with it in that I don't always remember if I have previously set a dim to this config only, or if it's still set on all configs. And this is especially true if I am working on someone else's stuff - then I really don't know at all and can't trust it. I would like to have some way to use the Instant 3D with full confidence of always knowing at that point whether or not I was changing the dim for all or this config. One might argue that if I haven't already changed it to be config specific, then it must not matter if I change it for all configs as they are all the same at that point. Maybe. What if I actually think I changed it last time, but in fact didn't. Now I change it for this config, thinking that it will remain at the previous setting for the other config, and I create a problem. Visibility of the setting each time would solve the issue.