equivalent skill function to schPlot for awd waveform window

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Frank Nitsche, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. Hello everybody,

    I'm looking for a skill function to plot the contens of an awd waveform
    window. For schematics I use schPlot together with a template file. Now
    I want to automate plotting of waveforms. The template file here is a
    filename.wav file wich is modified regarding the current results
    directory. The plotting of schematics works non-interactive by using
    icfb -replay. I want to do the same for the waveforms.
    Has anybody an idea?
    Best regards

    Frank Nitsche

    to answer by email remove NOSPAM from address
    Frank Nitsche, Aug 31, 2004
  2. How about using the OCEAN hardCopy() function? You'd need hardCopyOptions()
    too to set up the printer etc.

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 31, 2004
  3. Thanks, Andrew.

    Best regards

    Frank Nitsche

    to answer by email remove NOSPAM from address
    Frank Nitsche, Sep 2, 2004
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