Equation trouble

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by J.Rathakrishnan, May 14, 2004.

  1. Hi Gurus,

    I have an assembly document with incontext parts and few equations.
    (Using Solidworks 2003 with SP5.0)

    I have used Solidworks explorer to copy the assembly when i need
    another size of model.

    In the copied model the part names in the equations are not changed
    automatically. I have changed manually. Solidworks doesn't allow me to
    do this change without suppress the equations. After the
    modifications, it asks me a question like "Dimensions have been set to
    read-only by OLD assembly....would you like to reset all the equtions
    to ..... NEW assembly", If i press YES the problem is solved

    When I open and rebuild the NEW assembly again, SW asks me the same

    How can i resolve this question permanently?

    Why SW renames the part names in equations?

    Thanks in advance.
    J.Rathakrishnan, May 14, 2004
  2. J.Rathakrishnan

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I ran into this a couple of weeks ago. So this still exist in SW04 SP3.0.

    Unfortunately, I can't be much help either.
    Seth Renigar, May 14, 2004
  3. I use equations in assemblies all the time and never have a problem with
    Solidworks renaming my equations. I think where you're having a problem is
    that you are using Solidworks Explorer to do this. This is the wrong way to
    do this if you need your equations to update with the new part names.

    What you need to do is open your assembly in Solidworks just like you would
    normally do. Then do a "Save As", not a "Save As Copy". When you get the
    dialog box that asks you where you want to save your assembly, pick the
    directory or folder where you want to put it. BEFORE you continue, click on
    the "Reference" button in the lower right corner of the dialog box. Here you
    can rename all the part files in your assembly to new names for everything
    that will change. You can even specify different directories here for each
    part to. When you're done there, click on Ok to close this dialog box, click
    Ok to save the assembly and parts in the first dialog box and you're done.

    Remember that you're still in the original assembly that you started with,
    so close it without saving it. Then go open your new assembly and all of
    your equations will be updated in the new assembly with the new part names.
    This how I've always done this and have never had a problem yet.

    Richard Charney, May 14, 2004
  4. Thanks guys,

    As Richard said....

    It's good idea to use "Save as" method.

    It works well for the models. That is when I Save as the assembly with
    parts to a new, equations are working fine.

    If I need the New assembly with Drawing as well, then I have to open
    the Drawing file and then use "Save as" method. Even now the equations
    are changed well.
    But I am facing the same question (Would you like to set the equation
    areā€¦.) when I open the New drawing first time. After a rebuild the
    New Drawing is getting set righted. But in New Assembly model I am
    facing this question again and again at every open.

    Why I need a solution to this problem is, I am using the same Assembly
    as Sub in an another Main Assembly with different sizes and I need
    Drawings for all the Sub-Assemblies.

    Help me.

    J.Rathakrishnan, May 16, 2004
  5. J.Rathakrishnan

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Silly me. I COPY the whole assembly directory to a new folder, using regular
    old Windows Explorer. Eveything works for me just fine. I even wrote a fancy
    multi-departmental program, and it does the same thing before it opens the
    assembly in SW and upates all dimensions.

    Mr. Pickles
    Mr. Pickles, May 16, 2004
  6. Pickle...

    Yeah you are right.

    But I need the new assembly in different name. Once the file name gets
    renamed (using Solidwork Explorer) then the same error message coming
    front to me.

    J.Rathakrishnan, May 17, 2004
  7. I believe that warning message will come up if, some of the equations in
    some or all of the parts are being referenced outside of the current
    assembly. Meaning, the parts are actually used in more than one assembly,
    but the eguations were set up in the original assembly. As far as a perment
    fix, you probably need to change how you constructed your assembly so the
    equations are only referenced in one assembly instead of two or three, etc.
    Richard Charney, May 17, 2004
  8. Richard,

    I don't think it is possible. 'cos I am in the situation to use
    "annotation" dimension of the assembly for equations. It varies from
    one to other size of the equipement.
    I need the different size of the equipement which is going to be
    assembled to an main assembly. Naturally the file names could not be
    the same.
    We should recall that, SolidWorks can do the renaming of the
    annotation names in equqtions while we copy (using "Save as") the
    assembly file(Hope it will work all the time !!!). It doesn't work
    with Drawing.

    Hope you got it.
    J.Rathakrishnan, May 18, 2004
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