equation driven sketch?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Walms, Oct 1, 2003.

  1. Walms

    Walms Guest

    I am trying to develop a sketch of a timing belt with a fixed length,
    running over 2 pulleys and an idler.
    I want to see how much the idler moves when the 2 pulleys center distance is
    changed. I believe that there was a tutorial on this a few releases ago but
    I can't find it using sw2003.
    To date I haven't used equations so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Walms, Oct 1, 2003
  2. Equations are relatively simple. They follow all the rules of mathematics
    Parentheses first then mult and div then add and subtract. You can use PI
    and sin cos and tan but this is in radians so you may have to convert to
    degrees first. One thing that I use often to save time is you can get an
    arc length dimension by selecting an arc and then selecting its endpoints.
    Then you can just select the dimension and it is inserted into your equasion
    instead of calculating it out. Here is an example of an equasion that I used
    to draw a deformed end of a tube that becomes the shape of a slot.

    "Length of Flat@Sketch2" = ( "Diameter of Tube@Sketch1"*pi-("Arc

    This will always keep the "circumference" if you will, of the flattened
    sketch the same as the circumference of the Origional tube.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Oct 1, 2003
  3. Walms

    Walms Guest

    I appreciate the response! Unfortunately I'm still at a loss!
    What I have is a sketch of the pitch line of a timing belt,
    the driving dimensions are the center to center of 2 pulleys and their pitch
    diameters, the pitch dia. of the tension pulley and its center point
    coincident to a construction line representing its movement to take up the

    The current way I get the profile of the pitch line is by measuring the sum
    of all the segments, then moving the tension pulley to get close as possible
    to the length of the belt. It would be nice to be able to see the length
    change dynamically while moving the location of the tension pulley, or even
    better to input the length of the belt as a driving dimension.
    Walms, Oct 1, 2003
  4. or even
    This can be done with a little bit of setup. The sweep sketch of the belt
    you want to have a finite length. So what you will need to do to accomplish
    this is.

    Put arc length dims on the 3 radii of the belt the 2 driving pulleys and one
    that would represent the arc of the tensioner pulley.

    Also add a dimension to the line between the 2 driving pulleys

    Once you have done this there are only 2 lengths left to figure out. The
    length of the two tangent lines that connect the arc of the tensioner pulley
    and Each pulley. If you subtract the lengths of the defined arcs and lines
    from the belt length you are left with the combined length of the final
    line. The only problem is you will have to watch out because as your angle
    increases so does the length of each arc because of the tangents.

    I can't test this all out to refine but it should get you started.
    Corey Scheich, Oct 1, 2003
  5. I had trouble with this a while back too. I was not able to figure out
    how to set up an equation that used driven dimensions, namely, the arc
    lengths around the pulleys as the center to center distance changed. I
    had only a few fixed belt lengths to try, and I was wanting to know what
    my c-c distance would be without the use of an idler.

    Don't tell anybody, but I ended up using GrafiCalc. Worked pretty slick...
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Oct 1, 2003
  6. You can do exactly what you want by using the solver in Excel. It will
    require the use of the little-known but extremely useful 'Excel to SW
    link template' available on the SW website at:

    SW Model Library\API\Modeling Utilities\ExcelLink.zip

    This tool allows you to link dimensions in SW to cells in Excel and
    drive them in either direction.

    A simple belt/idler sketch will probably have 3 arcs and 3 lines. Give
    each of these belt segments a driven length dimension and link each of
    these 6 dimensions to a corresponding cell in Excel. Choose to have SW
    drive Excel. In Excel, add these cells together in another cell which
    will be the total belt length.

    Next, link the driving dimension that positions the idler to a cell,
    choosing to have Excel drive SW this time. Now you can change the
    idler position from Excel and the segment length and total length
    cells will adjust accordingly.

    This is where the Excel solver comes in. The solver is an optional
    add-in that you select when installing Excel. (You can also add it
    later.) The solver allows you to say 'make cell A1 equal to 300mm by
    changing the value of cell A6' (or whatever). Excel will then
    automatically drive SW through multiple iterations until it finds the
    solution. (It only takes a few seconds.) In your case, of course, you
    would ask it to solve for total belt length by changing the idler

    Basically, you get Excel to do automatically what you're doing
    manually, that is, to move the idler a little bit at a time until the
    belt length is correct.
    Jeff Kaetterhenry, Oct 2, 2003
  7. Walms

    Gary Knutson Guest

    Would someone mind downloading the ExcelLink.zip and emailing it to me
    sometime. I let my maintenance (since 95) expire when 2003 came out and
    I haven't been inspired to renew it yet (although 2004 looks promising).

    Gary Knutson
    Gary Knutson, Oct 2, 2003
  8. The people on this group are the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Oct 2, 2003
  9. Walms

    Walms Guest

    Thanks so much.

    Walms, Oct 2, 2003
  10. Walms

    steve Guest

    If dimension click on each endpoint of an arc then the arc is self you
    get an arc length dimension you can use in your equation.

    steve, Oct 2, 2003
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