Equation changing High and low of Limit distance mate possible?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SeanMc, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. SeanMc

    SeanMc Guest

    I have an assembly with several configurations. In some configurations, the
    length of a particular part changes. This part is mounted to a moving
    component in the assembly. The distance this moving assembly section can
    travel changes with the length of part - this is controlled with a Limit
    Distance Mate. I have an equation which references the travel allowed by
    this mate to the length of the part. This does controll the total distance
    allowed to travel, but does not actually set either the high or low value.
    These appear to change at random when the part length changes(always keeping
    the same overall travel length correct-I just end up with seemingly random
    start and end points). Is there a way to controll start and end values of
    this distance mate?

    SeanMc, Nov 6, 2007
  2. SeanMc

    That70sTick Guest

    To my knowledge it is not directly possible.

    It may be possible to do in a design table, as limit tolerances can be
    controlled with DT's.
    That70sTick, Nov 6, 2007
  3. SeanMc

    That70sTick Guest

    More info:

    Limit distance mate dimensions AND tolerances can be config-specific.
    There is a button in the property manager to specify configs.

    Once you have change values to be config-specific, you will be
    prompted to add these to a design table when you add or edit the DT.

    The limit distance tolerance in a DT is a string that looks like
    "LIMIT;1.000000;-1.000000". You can use Excel "concatenate", "text",
    and other string functions to create your limit tolerance string and
    even link it to the nominal in a way that the top and bottom limits
    stay the same no matter what happens to the nominal.
    That70sTick, Nov 6, 2007
  4. SeanMc

    SeanMc Guest

    Thanks a lot - I'll give it a look -
    SeanMc, Nov 6, 2007
  5. SeanMc

    SeanMc Guest

    Thanks Tick -
    Seems to work. Still does funny things on rebuild occasionally, but much
    better than before.
    Have my travcel length set in an equation. Have my Tolerance limits set in
    the design table. This tolerance is concatenated together in excel from this
    travel length, which is displayed in another cell - seems to work

    Thanks again
    SeanMc, Nov 7, 2007
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