epicyclic curve

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Giorgis, May 24, 2005.

  1. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    I need to draw an epicyclic curve on a sketch.
    Any ideas on how I can go about it ?

    Kind Thanks

    Giorgis, May 24, 2005
  2. Giorgis

    TOP Guest

    Do you have an equation?
    TOP, May 24, 2005
  3. Giorgis

    wurz Guest

    Seems like my Tech Drawing classes at school weren't a waste after all

    An epicyclic curve is the locus of a point on the perimeter of a small
    circle rolling (without slipping) around a larger circle. I'm not sure
    that there is a single mathematical expression for it - but it's one of
    those things that's easier to draw with a pair of compasses and a rule
    than on CAD.....

    I think that to draw it in SW, you would have to think more like a
    draughtsman and 'construct' the circles and lines, then tie together
    key quantities using equations and linked values.

    Might have a go at this one when I get a minute....

    wurz, May 24, 2005
  4. Giorgis

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Jeff Howard, May 24, 2005
  5. Giorgis

    Brian Guest

    I don't believe there is a way to draw this in SW with 8 place
    mathematical accuracy. But here is something that "may work":

    -Two simple cylinders cooresponding to the minor and major diameters placed
    into an assembly with gear mates between the two and other constraints that
    only allow appropriate motion
    -a point on the perimeter of the smaller which will allow you to extract its
    -create an assembly sketch and convert the above points' location, remove
    the coincident constraint and make the point fixed.
    -rotate the larger cylinder
    -rinse and repeat
    -a spline created from the generated points should give a reasonable

    Creating a macro to auto-rotate the large cylinder, extract perimeter point
    data, and repeat at a given increment should allow for a reasonably high
    degree of accuracy
    Brian, May 24, 2005
  6. Giorgis

    Brian Guest

    Even better yet. You may be able to google a working model of a toy
    that was around when i was young ( may still be, not sure ). It was called
    a spyrograph (sp?). The correct model of it would already have all the
    constraints necessary to create the correct motion type.
    Brian, May 24, 2005
  7. Giorgis

    matt Guest

    With that you've got some equations. I have a macro on my website that
    will draw a spline for an equation. Theoretically it should be able to
    accept equations with periodic terms, but I've never tried one as
    complex as the ones on the above site.

    If you want to try my macro, it's at
    http://mysite.verizon.net/mjlombard/ , follow the link for Macro
    Library. It's called "eqcurve".

    As I remember, polar coordinates are the best way to deal with cardioid

    Good luck!

    matt, May 24, 2005
  8. Giorgis

    TOP Guest

    Try this. Just set a and m. a is the OD of the circle around which you
    want an epicycloid and m is the number of cusps. Start a part. This
    will draw a sketch on the Front plane.

    ' C:\DOCUME~1\kellnerp\LOCALS~1\Temp\swx2044\Macro1.swb - macro
    recorded on 05/24/05 by kellnerp
    Const pi = 3.141592654

    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim Part As Object
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean
    Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
    Dim FeatureData As Object
    Dim Feature As Object
    Dim Component As Object
    Dim skPts() As Double

    Sub EpiCycloid(ByVal N As Long, ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double)

    ReDim skPts(N + 1, 3) As Double
    Dim i As Long
    Dim x, y, z As Double
    Dim phi, dphi As Double

    dphi = 2 * pi / N

    For i = 0 To N - 1

    x = (a + b) * Cos(i * dphi) - b * Cos((a + b) / b * i * dphi)
    y = (a + b) * Sin(i * dphi) - b * Sin((a + b) / b * i * dphi)
    z = 0#

    skPts(i, 0) = x
    skPts(i, 1) = y
    skPts(i, 2) = z
    Next i

    x = (a + b) * Cos(0 * dphi) - b * Cos((a + b) / b * 0 * dphi)
    y = (a + b) * Sin(0 * dphi) - b * Sin((a + b) / b * 0 * dphi)
    z = 0#

    skPts(N, 0) = x
    skPts(N, 1) = y
    skPts(N, 2) = z

    End Sub

    Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
    boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID("Front Plane", "PLANE", 0, 0, 0,
    False, 0, Nothing)

    ' a is the OD of the circle around which you want the epicycloid. m is
    the number of cusps.

    a = 20#
    m = 6#

    'Don't change anything below here.

    b = a / m
    N = 10 * m

    Call EpiCycloid(N, a, b)
    Part.InsertSketch2 True

    Part.ClearSelection2 True

    For i = N To 0 Step -1

    Part.SketchSpline i, skPts(i, 0), skPts(i, 1), skPts(i, 2)

    Next i

    End Sub
    TOP, May 24, 2005
  9. Giorgis

    Bob Guest

    Isn't that the equation for a face of a gear tooth (less root and crown)? If
    so, there maybe accurate equation based profiles around that could be
    Bob, May 24, 2005
  10. It would be nice if SW had a "locus" function, where a point could trace out
    a line as it moved according to a set of rules, equations, parameters, etc.
    Next up in complexity a generating function could carve away at an extrusion
    according to rules- think gear-shaper cutter generating a gear tooth

    Bill (big ideas for someone else to implement) Chernoff
    Bill Chernoff, May 24, 2005
  11. Giorgis

    TOP Guest

    That is why they call Pro/E a parametric modeler. The equations here
    are parameter driven. SW cannot generate a parametric curve like the
    little macro does. In fact the macro is pretty simple to modify to
    create any kind of parametric curve. Just change the equations for x
    and y.

    This curve is not the curve for gear tooth faces. That is called an
    involute and there is a fairly simple construction to make it.
    TOP, May 24, 2005
  12. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    Wow thanks guys, I will define the problem a little more now and see
    what you think.

    I have a wheel and it has three protrusions on it.
    This wheel rolls on a flat surface
    As it rolls, it fits thru a hole smoothly. I need the profile of this

    Now I came up with the easy way out. Make the protrusion the same as a
    tooth on a pinion. The matching shape is but a flat tooth as you would
    find on a rack.

    This is an intresting topic, so it would be good if it is explored

    Kind thanks for all help so far, I will try some of the ideas

    Giorgis, May 25, 2005
  13. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    By the way, Solidworks should have a method of drawing epicyclic
    You can generate all manner of gears by editing the parameters.
    I guess I should explored the formulas used to generate the profiles.

    What I have done instead is put a pinion and a matching rack.
    Then pinch the profiles by using "convert entities"
    End up with only one tooth.

    It will work exactly ... priceless ?!?!
    I know I took the easy way out, but that is what engineering is all

    Giorgis, May 25, 2005
  14. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    DAMN ... I am wrong, the thooth profile on the gears drawn by
    SolidWorks are actualy arcs on a circle. I should have guessed that
    they are pictorial. They look so close though %$#@^&#$@. Anyway, I
    should be able to find the exact profile onece I have figured out the
    correct gear to put in.

    Giorgis, May 25, 2005
  15. Giorgis

    TOP Guest

    How is this an epicyclic curve?
    TOP, May 25, 2005
  16. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    I may have things confused.


    Effectively I need a wheel withone tooth in it to cut a flat surface.


    PS: I am having trouble using the macro you supplied. Could you give me
    some pointers ?
    Giorgis, May 25, 2005
  17. Giorgis

    That70sTick Guest

    An involute (gear tooth) and an epicyclic curve are very similar.

    Picture the following for drawing an involute:
    ·A string wrapped around a spool with a pencil on the end.
    ·As the string unwraps with the string held tight, the traced path is
    an involute.

    I once needed to cut a true involute on CNC from SW geometry. I laid
    out a series of construction sketches (8 in total) equivalent to
    "unwrapping" string at 5° intervals. The endpoints of the 8 "strings"
    were used to anchor a spline. An additional aid was that the "strings"
    were instantaneously perpendicular to the involute path, making it
    possible to use tangent constraints to help form the spline.
    That70sTick, May 25, 2005
  18. Giorgis

    TOP Guest

    1. Make a dummy macro by turning record on and then off.
    2. Save the macro as epi or some other descriptive name.
    3. Open the macro you just created in macro editor
    4. In the editor window erase everything.
    5. Paste in the macro I posted
    6. Start a new part.
    7. Make sure the name for the Front plane matches that in the macro.
    8. Hit run. The macro should draw a close approximation of an four
    petal epicycloid.
    TOP, May 25, 2005
  19. Giorgis

    rmchugh Guest

    By the way, the units for the 'a' dimension is in meters.
    You may want to convert unless you need a 60+ foot epicyclic.

    I thought the macro wasn't working until I thought to zoom out.

    ->Try this. Just set a and m. a is the OD of the circle around which you
    ->want an epicycloid and m is the number of cusps. Start a part. This
    ->will draw a sketch on the Front plane.

    ->' C:\DOCUME~1\kellnerp\LOCALS~1\Temp\swx2044\Macro1.swb - macro
    recorded on 05/24/05 by kellnerp

    ->' a is the OD of the circle around which you want the epicycloid. m is
    ->the number of cusps.

    ->a = 20#
    ->m = 6#
    rmchugh, May 26, 2005
  20. Giorgis

    TOP Guest

    Good point. SW works in metres.

    Well I just threw it together in 15 minutes. User friendly it ain't,
    but it works and it is layed out reasonably logically to the point that
    it can be tweaked. Any parametric functions can be inserted for x and
    y. Even z can be added if you want to open a 3D sketch. .

    You should also be aware that at the inflection points where the
    epicycloid touchs the base circle the spline does not come to a perfect
    point, so in that region it is inaccurate. To fix it play with the
    indices in the point generator to get just one petal. Then the spline
    should be pretty accurate.
    TOP, May 26, 2005
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