Entnext and Error with LSELSETP

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Fatfreek, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. Fatfreek

    Fatfreek Guest

    I'm trying to use the following routine to create a virgin set of closed
    polylines. I can't figure out the error I'm getting, "Error, bad argument
    type: LSELSETP nil".
    Len Miller

    (defun CreateNewBounds (OldBounds );;/ LastEnt EntSS)
    (setq LastEnt (entlast)
    EntSS (ssadd)
    (command "._-boundary" MidX "")
    (while (setq LastEnt (entnext LastEnt))
    (setq EntSS (ssadd LastEnt EntSS))
    (command "_.erase"
    (setq PolysWithin EntSS)

    ;;;First, Create one polyline rectangle, then offset
    ;;;it some arbitrary distance, outside or inside, to
    ;;;make the second one.
    ;;;Pick them both as OldSet
    (setq MidX (getpoint "Pick inside, between the rectangles"))
    (setq OldSet (ssget))
    (CreateNewBounds OldSet)
    Fatfreek, Nov 29, 2004
  2. Fatfreek

    ECCAD Guest

    When you do:
    (setq LastEnt (entlast) EntSS (ssadd))
    ..you get only (1) entity, the 'last' in var LastEnt.
    Then, when doing:
    (while (setq LastEnt (entnext LastEnt))
    (setq EntSS (ssadd LastEnt EntSS))
    you get nil in var LastEnt..no entnext exists 'after'
    Hence, downhill from there.

    ECCAD, Nov 29, 2004
  3. Fatfreek

    Fatfreek Guest

    Thanks to a snippet I borrowed from a Joe Burke post, replace the following
    three lines with what follows:
    (while (setq LastEnt (entnext LastEnt))
    (setq EntList (entget LastEnt))
    (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 EntList))
    (eq (cdr (assoc 410 EntList)) (getvar "ctab"))
    (ssadd LastEnt EntSS)
    Fatfreek, Nov 30, 2004
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