Hi Michael I'm not sure, but nobody replied yet.... In [email][/email] [QUOTE] I'm writing a routine where I want to pull one item out of the entdata of an object. Here's the pertinent section of code: (while (>= counter 0) (setq item (ssname ss counter)) (setq ent (entget item)) (setq backhalf(cdr(member (assoc 48 ent) ent))) (setq fronthalf(reverse(cdr(member(assoc 48 (reverse ent))(reverse ent))))) (setq ent (append fronthalf backhalf))[/QUOTE] here you setq ent to be only what you extracted and discarded the rest. Sometimes it is allowed to give ACAD an incomplete list of an entity for entupd and let ACAD do the rest. In your case I don't see how even the entity-name is preserved, so how should acad be able to deal with it in entmod? I never relied on ACAD completing my work, so I always subst in the complete list returned by entget before entmod and entupd. OTOH I never dealt with group code 48 and don't have an ACAD handy, so maybe I'm besides the point. I'm off for a week. Cheers, Herbert