In my earlier post i reported an error, it seemed to be an error from my side. This time its another issue. I want to create an entity at a selected point with entmake. I got the entmake stuff : (entmake '((0 . "TEXT") (10 4.0 4.0 0.0) (40 . 25.0)(7 . "VDLAAR")(8 . "TXT25")(1 . "My text."))) I got the point : (set pnt(getpoint)) -> (65985.4 14770.9 0.0) How to get these two together? I know i needs to be a list like (10 . 65985.4 14770.9 0.0) Should i use entlast, entmod, entupdt or is there another approach to it? Please some ideas. Jan