Ensure Block's Text Style Used @ Insertion

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cpanj5, May 13, 2004.

  1. cpanj5

    cpanj5 Guest

    Attributed Title Block-

    It consists of two text styles; Arial Narrow.ttf and Romans.shx

    1.) How do I ensure that these are preserved when inserted into any AutoCAD file?

    2.) Are there any diadvantages to using two text styles this way?
    3.) Are there any disadvantages to using .shx fonts?

    Would this be a non-issue if inserting into a template-based file?
    cpanj5, May 13, 2004
  2. The only problem I can see is if you have defined the 2 styles with
    different fonts in the TitleBlock drawing and the drawing for insertion.
    Example -
    TitleBlock drawing
    Style1 = Arial Narrow.ttf
    Style2 = Romans.shx
    Drawing for Insertion
    Style1 = Simplex.shx
    Style2 = Romans.shx
    This can cause a problem when the TitleBlock is inserted.
    When you insert TitleBlock into the drawing the Style1 in the TitleBlock
    (Arial Narrow.ttf) will change to Simplex.shx.
    So, long as each style name uses the same font, there shouldn't be any

    There are no problems using TTF fonts, except that they take longer to deal
    with in AutoCAD (although with today's computers, this shouldn't be a
    problem). Also, grip selection is a little more of a hassle sometimes.
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, May 13, 2004
  3. cpanj5

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    As long as the style names are uniqyue enough there should be little chance for conflict.

    style name BDRSTYL-01 uses font Arial Narrow.ttf
    style name BDRSTYL-02 Uses font Romans.shx
    OLD-CADaver, May 13, 2004
  4. cpanj5

    cpanj5 Guest

    Understood. Thanks
    cpanj5, May 13, 2004
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