Enhancement request - suppressed part in assy

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, May 2, 2007.

  1. I just turned in an ER for the ability to see some indication of where a
    suppressed part is in an assy.

    The problem is that especially if you are having to work on someone else's
    assy file, you don't know which instance of a suppressed part is the one you
    want to unsuppress. If the file or object to be resolved is large, it can
    take a while to turn it on, and then maybe have to turn it back off and do
    it again with another part or sub. I would like some indication before I go
    to the time & trouble.

    While the macro I have and use (Suppressed Parts Helper) by Alastair
    Cardwell is good for showing you a preview of the part before you unsuppress
    it, it can't show you where it is in the assy to help you determine the
    proper instance to resolve.

    If this sounds like it would also help you, please submit also as the
    increased number of hits helps move it up the ladder.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 2, 2007
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