Enhancement req - preselect for Feature Driven Pattern

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Most of the time I choose to preselect objects before selecting an action
    because it's faster. However, when the PM opens for a feature driven
    pattern, even if I have preselected items, the PM opens with the focus on
    the Components to Pattern box. I feel that if I have preselected items, it
    should assume I have all that I want and open with the focus in the Driving
    Feature box. That way I wouldn't always have to click that box first - I
    could just click the feature in the graphics area and be done. If, in fact,
    I want to select more objects, I can always click back into that box.

    If you agree, go vote and add your voice.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 8, 2008
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