Enhance this Lisp please

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Victor H. Becerra, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    I have this Lisp routine which gives me the command "CD" and "CU". What
    this does is it allows me to copy a single line text entity up or down
    (hence "CD" (down) "CU" (up)) using the same exact spacing as if one
    were typing and hitting return. I would like to modify this lisp
    routine to allow me to do this to a multiline text entity with a leader
    therefore this routine needs to be modified to allow a multiple
    selection as opposed to one, and the type of selections allowed, now
    being single line text, multiline text, and a leader. Any help is
    greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    (defun c:CU ( / ent edata txtsz lnsp)
    (setq ent (car (entsel)))
    (= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq edata (entget ent)))) "TEXT")
    txtsz (cdr (assoc 40 edata))
    lnsp (* txtsz (/ 34 21.0))
    edata (subst (cons 10 (polar (cdr (assoc 10 edata)) (+ (cdr (assoc 50
    edata)) (* pi -1.5)) lnsp)) (assoc 10 edata) edata)
    edata (subst (cons 11 (polar (cdr (assoc 11 edata)) (+ (cdr (assoc 50
    edata)) (* pi -1.5)) lnsp)) (assoc 11 edata) edata)
    (entmake edata)
    (princ "\nRequires text entity.")
    (defun c:CD ( / ent edata txtsz lnsp)
    (setq ent (car (entsel)))
    (= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq edata (entget ent)))) "TEXT")
    txtsz (cdr (assoc 40 edata))
    lnsp (* txtsz (/ 34 21.0))
    edata (subst (cons 10 (polar (cdr (assoc 10 edata)) (+ (cdr (assoc 50
    edata)) (* pi 1.5)) lnsp)) (assoc 10 edata) edata)
    edata (subst (cons 11 (polar (cdr (assoc 11 edata)) (+ (cdr (assoc 50
    edata)) (* pi 1.5)) lnsp)) (assoc 11 edata) edata)
    (entmake edata)
    (princ "\nRequires text entity.")
    Victor H. Becerra, Jun 15, 2004
  2. Victor H. Becerra

    zeha Guest

    modifie line
    (=(cdr (assoc 0 (setq edata (entget ent)))) "TEXT") to
    (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (setq edata (entget ent)))) "*TEXT")

    and it work but a multiple line text must above more then one space
    Use DXF 42 and 43 for position the new text
    zeha, Jun 16, 2004
  3. This worked fine with the mtext, but it did not work with the quick
    leader. Also, the selection is still a "one entity selection" method as
    opposed to a multiple object selection (being the mtext and the quick
    leader). Thanks.
    Victor H. Becerra, Jun 17, 2004
  4. Victor H. Becerra

    zeha Guest

    this works fine when i select the text from the leader
    I suppose that the propertie from the entity give's MTEXT or TEXT

    (defun c:CU ( / ent edata txtsz lnsp)
    (setq ent (car (entsel)))
    (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (setq edata (entget ent)))) "*TEXT")
    txtsz (cdr (assoc 40 edata))
    lnsp (* txtsz (/ 34 21.0))
    lnsp (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "MTEXT")(* lnsp (1+ (fix (/ (cdr (assoc 43 edata)) lnsp)))) lnsp)
    edata (subst (cons 10 (polar (cdr (assoc 10 edata)) (+ (cdr (assoc 50
    edata)) (* pi -1.5)) lnsp)) (assoc 10 edata) edata)
    edata (subst (cons 11 (polar (cdr (assoc 11 edata)) (+ (cdr (assoc 50
    edata)) (* pi -1.5)) lnsp)) (assoc 11 edata) edata)
    (entmake edata)
    (princ "\nRequires text entity.")

    good luck,

    zeha, Jun 18, 2004
  5. I want to copy the leader also.
    Victor H. Becerra, Jun 18, 2004
  6. Victor H. Becerra

    zeha Guest

    If you want to copy text or mtext or leader this is more complicator with entmake I used copy command see below

    (defun c:CU ( / ent edata entn txtsz lnsp ldr sss)
    (setq ent (car (entsel)))
    (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (setq edata (entget ent)))) "*TEXT")
    (setq entn (cdr (assoc 0 edata))
    txtsz (cdr (assoc 40 edata))
    lnsp (* txtsz (/ 34 21.0))
    lnsp (if (= entn "MTEXT")(* lnsp (1+ (fix (/ (cdr (assoc 43 edata)) lnsp)))) lnsp)
    edata (subst (cons 10 (polar (cdr (assoc 10 edata)) (+ (cdr (assoc 50
    edata)) (* pi -1.5)) lnsp)) (assoc 10 edata) edata)
    edata (subst (cons 11 (polar (cdr (assoc 11 edata)) (+ (cdr (assoc 50
    edata)) (* pi -1.5)) lnsp)) (assoc 11 edata) edata)
    ldr (cdr (assoc 330 edata))
    sss (ssadd ent)
    sss (if (= entn "MTEXT")(ssadd ldr sss) sss)
    (command ".copy" sss "" "_Non" pt10 "_Non"
    (polar pt10 (+ (cdr (assoc 50 edata)) (* pi -1.5)) lnsp))
    (princ "\nRequires text entity.")
    zeha, Jun 19, 2004
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