I would like to create a custom Attach command that support batch attachment. The way how it will work is that I can select all the objects I would like to attach to a parent, and then once I initiate this SKILL routine, it will give me a dashline visual feedback much like the original attach command, and now I only need to select the parent object once and boom, all of my selection will now be attached to this object. The original attach command requires me to select parent for each of my selection, which can be quite a hassle. I was thinking of writing an enterfunction to simulate the behavior of the original Attach command, but I am not sure how I can use it to select the parent and also give the dashline visual feedback while the user move across the layout to find the parent. I believe Virtuoso's attach is using the "enterPoint" function to get the point and then find the parent located at that point, but I don't know how it can highlights each object selected while in enterFunction mode and also provide the dashline visual effect. Thank you in advance for any inputs and feedback on this. I have always wondered how visual feedback can be created in Virtuoso using SKILL. Hopefully someone here knows the answer.