Engineering Design and Sheetmetal Programming ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jake, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. Jake

    Jake Guest

    Just out of curiosity, how many of you SWX designers do your own sheetmetal
    programming? I work for a large firm with 10 Engineers and 4 of us use SWX
    for design. What they invision is having us designers doing our own
    programming for the Amada for every peice of sheetmetal we create for our
    different products. At this time, we have one person who does not use SWX
    and is not a designer. He has been doing all our sheetmetal programming
    using Fabriwin for many years and is fairly fast at it. But he cannot keep
    up with the pace of work. At the same time, us as designers can barely keep
    up with our design duties due to the new product lines and demands for new
    parts on a daily basis. I personally think they need to hire a hot-shot
    programmer (younger than the one we have) to take on some of the programming
    responsibilities for the sheetmetal. Someone with some spunk who would like
    to work his way up in a good company. The company on the other hand thinks
    the parts will go thru alot quicker if we also program them. Am I crazy for
    thinking they are dead wrong.?? I think it will only slow us down on the
    design end of product and things will be released to production slower
    rather than faster. My feelings are a person has to excel in a certain area
    of the chain. What I mean is I am fairly proficient with SWX and when not
    burdened with other things, can get thru a design rather quickly. Same thing
    with the programmer. He does not have to worry about designing the parts and
    therefore, he can excel in his progamming chores. What is everybodies take
    on this?? Just as a side note, I have programmed up to 5 -axis machining
    centers and lathes with live tooling for over 25 years, so I am no slouch
    with G-code or any program related to creating it.I just think they are in
    the wrong mode of thinking when heading in this direction. Am I wrong. Dont
    be shy. Answer honestly because It wouldnt be the first time I have been off
    base. I have been in maunfacturing for approx. 34 years, so I have been
    around a few places and seen good ideas go sour a few times. Thanks for the
    input....Jake Barron
    Jake, Dec 20, 2004
  2. I would have to agree with you. Think about the details of the post
    processor, tooling selection, nesting etc. I don't know how much you make
    one/multiples of a particular part per sheet, but if you nest various parts
    on a sheet, that certainly swings the pendulum to the programmer side.

    OTH, making sure your SW flat pattern is correct is probably the quickest
    way to help the process. Develop your k-factor, etc. so that you get good

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 20, 2004
  3. Jake

    CS Guest

    I do both. But I do most of the programming of our sheetmetal parts, we
    have a turret and a plasma. First of all won't the cost of 10 fabriwin
    liscenses alone scare them off. I don't know how complex your parts are but
    using fabriwin on SW parts is easy and takes only a minute or 2 to program
    for a linear machine. Though for the turret it is quite a bit more
    cumbersome and may take 30min or more to do a single part. We also have a
    seat of InteliNest for the Plasma machine, this is quite the time saver. It
    also allows us alot of versatility since we are able to fill a days worth of
    the nesting in 1/2 hour, though our shop leaders do the daily nesting so it
    isn't an engineering task. If your machine is a plasma or a laser I
    wouldn't worry about the time it takes to program a part in fabriwin as long
    as you don't have to nest it too it may take you an extra 10 minutes if that
    to do your own parts. If you have a turret I would be worried because it
    could add quite a bit of time to your tasks. From AutoCad it is a different
    story because you have to clean up each drawing. I have found that for the
    most part an AutoCAD part if it is drawn to scale and hasn't had any "Cheap"
    editing done to it, it imports quite well and quickly maybe 3 minutes per
    part. But if there has been cheap editing it could take a long time because
    you have to make the geometry correct. Some things are easier to correct in
    Fabriwin and others are much easier from AutoCAD. There are some quirks to
    Fabriwin that you will have to work through but once you know what to look
    out for you can work around it pretty easily. (Watch out for any part that
    combines "Old" Sheetmetal techniques with "New" Sheetmetal techniques).

    Anyway in short if you have a linear cut machine it will be a brease from
    AutoCad and SolidWorks, but if you have a turret it will suck.

    CS, Dec 20, 2004
  4. Jake

    Dames Guest

    From someone who does it all i woulsd say that you really do need a
    dedicated person to program. I use SMP from Merry Mech to program an
    Amada Turret punch. Every part that i design i have to tool up myself.
    This can take quite a while and in turn it slows down the design work.
    On the other hand it can be useful to be doing both as you have
    complete control over the part being designed. But in short have
    someone else to write the progams would be better
    Dames, Dec 20, 2004
  5. Jake

    Dave Guest

    I do some design from the ground up, but primarily use SWX as a
    QA/Pre-production tool to prepare documentation including flat
    patterns. I support two turrets, a laser and 5 press brakes for two
    shifts. Jobs are coming in from 3 quoters.

    As designers, you should be able to provide the programmer all the
    documentation, including an accurate flat pattern without too much
    difficulty. From there, he should be able to concentrate on CAM and
    lay-out. While I use MetaCAM, Fabriwin would be my 2nd choice and is
    entirely capable. I currently handle all documentation in addition to
    programming, so I'm wondering what kind of load you are placing on the
    programmer. 10-20 new parts a day?

    In any case, it's more cost effective to add a junior programmer than
    to teach CAM to engineers. The tenth time tooling gets side loaded and
    ends up ruining punches and material, they may realize this. It's not
    rocket science, but in the situation you describe, having engineers
    program the punch makes as much sense as having you puch the parts as
    well. In fact, many people believe that it takes an operator to be a
    decent programmer. Knowing the machine, its quirks and capabilities is
    half the job.

    Good luck
    Dave, Dec 20, 2004
  6. Jake

    Sporkman Guest

    OTOH (and even though I agree), what seems on the surface to be for the
    good for the company may not be quite as good for the employees . . .
    and MAY not even be as good for the company as it seems it might be.
    Engineer who can program CAD can do better sheetmetal design. If the
    engineers are tasked as planned, the slowdown in new design will be
    noticed by management, and some type of adjustment will be made, whether
    for the good or the company or not for the good of the company. Unless
    it results in a layoff, it may still end up being better for the
    employees as they end up with enhanced abilities. Perhaps (and I'm only
    saying this for sake of playing Devil's Advocate) the engineers would do
    better not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Dec 21, 2004
  7. Quite well put, I might say. Back in 1980, our engineering department
    purchased a laser/turret punch for making prototype parts. I was not in the
    parts making end at the time, but kept pestering the boss to let me learn
    it. I figured that a new toy was an opportunity that should not be allowed
    to pass. So, I read the book on my own time, got some time under my belt,
    eventually taught the others a thing or three, and ended up running that

    So, while I still think a dedicated programmer will be more efficient
    overall, having the designers understand what goes into producing the part
    they design, most certainly makes for better design. And to personally not
    seize an opportunity to learn something new on company time would be

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 21, 2004
  8. Im not shure, but what I have seen, is that the Amada add-in for SW, is that
    it allmost does all unfolding and programming with just a few klik on the

    Ofcorse this has been seen at EuroBlech (Exhibition i Germany), were every
    thing works first time.

    Sorry my english

    Jørgen Larsen, Dec 21, 2004
  9. We use SW2005 and Sigmanest to laser cut all of our sheetmetal parts here at
    Lakeside Manufacturing. We have three designers here and all three of us
    here create our own laser files for Sigmanest, but we have a dedicated guy
    doing the nesting out at the laser. It seems to work real well for us. It
    allows us, the designers, to verify our blanks before they get nested.
    Sigmanest also has a Solidworks module that allows us to import sheetmetal
    parts right from Solidworks. It also allows you to open a full assembly, it
    then traverses the assembly looking for any sheetmetal files and lets you
    set them up one after another, without having to import each file

    Richard Charney, Dec 21, 2004
  10. Jake -

    I let the designers design and the programmers program. It makes no
    sense to have it any other way.

    The designer should know enough about the process to be attentive to
    "downline" problems, but should not have to worry about programming a
    dwell into a corner, when to toggle the assist gas or tweak the wattage
    for a given material, activate trap door or whatever.

    The programmer should not worry if the flat is correct, all the
    features are present, etc.

    I would suggest that they get a motivated person to play the role of
    designer programmer and let them take up the "balance" of the work as
    needed. I worked in a group of designers & programmers and each of us
    had a specialty with an overlap in another area. Some more that others
    based on ability. I believe that letting a programmer get into part
    design is a great thing and vice versa, but it will not make the
    process more productive to have everyone following the same process "on
    their own".

    Taken to a crazy level, we need to have them purchase and source their
    own flat material, receive it, design a part, program it, run it, brake
    form it, paint it, package it, deliver it to the customer and then
    collect the money and split their portion with the company . . .

    Some companies run like this, but generally have 2 to 3 workers.
    Economies of scale need to stay economical.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Dec 30, 2004
  11. Jake -

    I let the designers design and the programmers program. It makes no
    sense to have it any other way.

    The designer should know enough about the process to be attentive to
    "downline" problems, but should not have to worry about programming a
    dwell into a corner, when to toggle the assist gas or tweak the wattage
    for a given material, activate trap door or whatever.

    The programmer should not worry if the flat is correct, all the
    features are present, etc.

    I would suggest that they get a motivated person to play the role of
    designer/programmer and let them take up the "balance" of the work as
    needed. I worked in a group of designers & programmers and each of us
    had a specialty with an overlap in another area. Some more than others
    based on ability (I did Tooling desing, prototype support & VMC
    programming in that order - another guy did Laser Turret Programming,
    Prototype support & tooling, etc.). I believe that letting a
    programmer get into part design is a great thing and vice versa, but it
    will not make the process more producive to have everyone following the
    same process "on their own".

    Taken to a crazy level, we need to have them purchase and source their
    own flat material, recieve it, design a part, programm it, run it,
    brake form it, paint it, package it, deliver it to the customer and
    then collect the money and split their portion with the company . . .

    Some companies run like this, but generally have 2 to 3 workers.
    Economies of scale need to stay economical.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Dec 30, 2004
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