Encoding routines

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by CRTSD, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. CRTSD

    CRTSD Guest

    Hi all,

    I'm pretty new here, so I hope this hasn't been posted too much before.

    I have a client who wishes to have me write many programs for him, but he wants me to send him some "samples" of some of my better routines.

    Obviously i don't want to just go handing my programs out to anyone, but this client is potentially worth a fair bit to me.

    Is there any way possible that i can encode the routines to either require a password, or have some kind of timer in them whick will destroy the routine after a week or so?

    Any help on this matter will be much appreciated.


    Craig Turton
    CRTSD, Nov 19, 2004
  2. CRTSD

    Chip Harper Guest

    Do a search through previous posts (in this group) for time, timer, protect
    and password. You'll find a ton of stuff and ideas on program protection
    Chip Harper, Nov 19, 2004
  3. CRTSD

    Rick Keller Guest

    Just have it stop working on a certain date.

    Rick Keller, Nov 19, 2004
  4. CRTSD

    CRTSD Guest

    so, would i just enclose my routine in say:

    (if (< (getvar "cdate") date)
    (progn wont work)

    and then compile into VLX?

    Can people use tools to 'unencode' compiled VLX? if so is it easy for people to find such tools?

    CRTSD, Nov 19, 2004
  5. CRTSD

    Tom Smith Guest

    Just have it stop working on a certain date.

    A very simple way to do this is to enclose all of the code in one big if:

    (princ "\nCool Lisp Sample blah blah blah")
    (princ "\nCopyright 2004 Joe Blow All Rights Reserved.")
    (if (> (getvar "cdate") 20050401) ;April 1 2005

    <the entire existing file goes here>


    This prevents the code from even loading after the given date. This isn't
    bulletproof protection but it might to be good enough for Craig's purposes.
    Tom Smith, Nov 19, 2004
  6. CRTSD

    CRTSD Guest

    So there is no need to worry about the VLX or FAS being uncompiled at the moment?

    BTW thanks for the speedy replies.
    CRTSD, Nov 19, 2004
  7. CRTSD

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Reportedly, FAS and VLX files *can* be hacked (but you won't find out how
    it's done on these forums). But if you really want to work with this
    particular client, you'll just have to put aside your paranoia and treat him
    as an honest person at least until you can prove otherwise.
    Paul Turvill, Nov 19, 2004
  8. CRTSD

    Tom Smith Guest

    In addition to Paul's comments...

    Nothing's perfect. The real question is whether it would be worth the time,
    effort, or aggravation to defeat your program's protection and/or
    reverse-engineer it. In many cases, a person who knows enough to "hack" a
    compiled program probably knows enough to write it himself anyway.

    The simple time-out trick is easy to defeat by setting your system clock
    back. (That's why I wouldn't include an "or else" error message like "Trial
    period has expired.") But realistically, hardly anyone is willing to have a
    wrong date on their computer just for the sake of running one routine. It
    plays havoc with your file organization and just isn't worth it.

    You mentioned samples of your "better routines." If these represent
    significant value and time, I'd suggest not giving away the whole thing in
    the demo, regardless of the protection scheme. For instance, if a routine
    can do 6 different things, remove the code for all but one or two
    representative things. Or show the dialog box interface but remove all the
    code that actually does anything in the drawing. You could show the finished
    results in a dwg file, and how the interface works, but without including
    anything that could actually be used. If you leave out significant chunks of
    your code, then it's not there to be stolen.

    Just some thoughts. Search previous threads for methods you might use to
    protect the finished products, if you actually sell some programs.
    Tom Smith, Nov 19, 2004
  9. Hi Craig,

    A simple to implement scheme would be to put a zoom centre command in the
    code and zoom to something impossibly small and there display a note that
    this is a demonstration version, please erase the text then do a zoom


    Laurie Comerford

    wants me to send him some "samples" of some of my better routines.
    this client is potentially worth a fair bit to me.
    a password, or have some kind of timer in them whick will destroy the
    routine after a week or so?
    Laurie Comerford, Nov 19, 2004
  10. CRTSD

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Why so fancy? I just use a simple (alert ...) function for nag screens.
    Paul Turvill, Nov 19, 2004
  11. CRTSD

    Guest Guest

    You're kidding right? A simple massaging of qaflags thwarts that.

    Why so fancy? I just use a simple (alert ...) function for nag screens.
    Guest, Nov 19, 2004
  12. CRTSD

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Not kidding at all. Remember, this is to be compiled code, and all that
    needs to be done is

    (setvar "qaflags" 0)
    (alert "This is a Nag Screen!")

    so whaever the user sets qaflags to before running the code will be
    "thwarted" by the code itself. And if you want to be cute with it, you can
    save the user's value of qaflags and restore it after the nag screen. No big
    Paul Turvill, Nov 19, 2004
  13. CRTSD

    Guest Guest

    I could be mistaken, but cannot one code a simple reactor to intercept changes to qaflags, forcing it to 0?

    Not kidding at all. Remember, this is to be compiled code, and all that
    needs to be done is

    (setvar "qaflags" 0)
    (alert "This is a Nag Screen!")

    so whaever the user sets qaflags to before running the code will be
    "thwarted" by the code itself. And if you want to be cute with it, you can
    save the user's value of qaflags and restore it after the nag screen. No big
    Guest, Nov 20, 2004
  14. CRTSD

    CAB2k Guest

    How about writhing to the registry, like this.
    When the program starts ask for the key code with DEMO as a default.
    Write the encoded word plus today date and the number of records in a
    data file. Assuming your routine adds records to this data file.
    Also update a data file with a flag that the countdown has started.
    This way if the registry entry has been deleted the data file will alert
    the routine of that fact. "Error, Registry damaged" and quit.
    When the expiration date is reached or the number of new records is
    reached the registry is updated with expired flag.
    CAB2k, Nov 20, 2004
  15. CRTSD

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Who are you proposing would use such a reactor -- the person writing the
    code, or the one trying to defeat the nag screen? If the user "forces it to
    0," that's exactly what I would want; maybe you're thinking of a value of 4,
    rather than 0. Perhaps a reactor could be devised to intercept changes to
    qaflags, but if anyone is *that* paranoid, they simply shouldn't be
    distributing files at all. This whole thread is getting a bit ridiculous.
    Paul Turvill, Nov 20, 2004
  16. CRTSD

    Guest Guest

    You're dismissing my post as ridiculous? Is this not a forum to exchange ideas?

    I'm just trying to point out there are many simple ways to thwart simple protectionist measures like compiling in the vlide and the
    use of dialogs etc. The issues remain, regardless whether you wish to dismiss them as paranoia.

    Who are you proposing would use such a reactor -- the person writing the
    code, or the one trying to defeat the nag screen? If the user "forces it to
    0," that's exactly what I would want; maybe you're thinking of a value of 4,
    rather than 0. Perhaps a reactor could be devised to intercept changes to
    qaflags, but if anyone is *that* paranoid, they simply shouldn't be
    distributing files at all. This whole thread is getting a bit ridiculous.
    Guest, Nov 23, 2004
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