Emergency license / Grace period

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Balslev, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. Balslev

    Balslev Guest

    I have just received a message from Autodesk, that you can only use the Emergency license / 24h Grace period ONCE, and that's it.
    But I have read somewhere in this forum, that the Grace period will be 'reset' after some time.
    Can anyone confirm that?

    Best regards,
    Frank Balslev
    Vianova Systems Denmark
    Balslev, Nov 19, 2004
  2. Balslev

    Cy Shuster Guest

    Yes. Once you have imported the license back to that PC, after exporting
    again you will be granted another grace period, but not right away. The
    intention is to make up for having to do the "round trip" to the other PC to
    get the license back, but you might need to do something right after you
    clicked "Export" and were on the way home.

    But it's not expected that such emergencies happen every day, so the license
    isn't granted every day. To prevent abuse, there is a reset period (for
    AutoCAD 2004 and earlier, anyway), however I don't believe Autodesk
    discusses what it is. If you're having an emergency more than once or twice
    a month, ask for another copy of the product... There may be more info at

    Cy Shuster, Nov 19, 2004
  3. Balslev

    Balslev Guest

    I recieved this message from Autodesk:

    "I sought the help from our licensing support team and please find the information regarding to your query:

    If you used the license once in the source computer after exported to target and then imported the license back and use it again it may allow some more hours. It is not recommended to do so and we do not give out the exact times allowed as it may change depending on how many times they have used it. This is by design so customers can not use the product on two systems at the same time."

    Balslev, Nov 22, 2004
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