Embedded .jpg/Excel files and plot failures

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mgl, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. mgl

    mgl Guest

    I've got one computer where I can't figure out why it simply will not
    correctly plot AutoCAD files embedded with any sort of image file (usually
    jpegs) or MSFT Excel spreadsheets to our HP 1055CM large format printer. I
    can get partial plots to work from our HP Laserjet 5000, but nothing usable
    from the big printer. Both printers are hooked up to separate machines on
    our P2P LAN.

    The computer in question is not the most sophisticated or up-to-date, but
    other than this printing issue it seems to operate AutoCAD sessions without
    heartache. The machine is a 2.0Ghz based Celeron with 256 MB of RAM. It's
    equiped with a 128MB FX5200 video card with the latest nVidia drivers, if
    that matters (installed recently, but the printing problem was an issue even
    before the new card was installed). We are running 2K2 on this one, along
    with an ArchT menu add-on. BTW, it's also the only machine in the office
    with this sort of configuration (a Celeron).

    The general problem is that during the plot generation process, the AutoCAD
    session will suffer a fatal error or even sometimes will simply crash the
    session and close itself out without any sort of warning popup. This occurs
    with larger embedded files or multiple embedded files. With smaller
    embedded files (like a jpeg of a site map or a project logo), the plot
    generation process will generally finish, but the end result at the hardcopy
    will be mixed; most times the printer will plot portions of the jpeg, then
    will a) stop plotting the remainder of the image or Excel page, or b) plot
    the remainder completely black.

    We plot directly to our printers since we do not have any sort of plot
    lauching software. However, this does not seem to matter; I've tried
    generating plot files written directly to the hard drive and those sessions
    nearly always end with a fatal error popup, and a required closing of the
    2K2 session.

    If I truly had to guess, it seems to me like this is a memory problem, but
    I'm not certain enough to really say for sure. Moreover, all other apps see
    m to work fine, and more importantly print correctly to the big HP. I'm
    hoping that there's a setting or variable within 2K2 I can adjust before I
    go through the hassle of getting approval to buy new modules that I may not
    even need. I'd appreciate any feedback or advice. TIA.
    mgl, Jan 26, 2004
  2. mgl

    mgl Guest

    Oh, I forgot...I've also reinstalled the printer within Windows XP Pro
    multiple times, with zero effect.
    mgl, Jan 26, 2004
  3. mgl

    mgl Guest

    The printer was indeed set for In Printer, but changing the setting made no
    difference; 2K2 still suffered a fatal error during the plot generation
    process (I did a plot to hard drive test) just as quickly as before. BTW,
    we do use PC3s for all plot generation.

    I suspect you are correct about the lack of memory, though it's curious that
    we have two older sub 1GHz P3 Dells that are operating with only 256M of
    memory (one with the dreaded RDRAM, which is one excuse why we haven't
    boosted the amount) and both running XP Pro (clean installations) and
    2K2...no apparent problems aside that the initial file and ArchT load-up
    sometimes seem to be longer than it probably was when they were running

    This is my first experience with Celerons...I didn't do the purchasing of
    this particular machine and if I have any say I truly doubt I'd ever
    consider one again for anything other than word processing, browsing and
    simple office apps. WHY we bought this thing for the CAD side is still a
    mystery to me: it just doesn't pay to leave on vacation for all the
    'wonderful' surprises I invariably get when I return. Despite the clock
    speed, it far too often seems slower than our comparible-RAM P3s, even
    though this particular generation of Celeron is supposed to be based off the
    late P3 or early P4s. Must be that overlong Intel CPU pipeline rearing its
    fugly head once again.

    Thanks for your advice...guess I've got to get the purchase order process
    mgl, Jan 27, 2004
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