Embed font?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by arpe, Sep 15, 2003.

  1. arpe

    arpe Guest

    Is it possible to "embed" a font in a drawing, so that people without that
    font can see the drawing as it is supposed to be, and so that people with
    the same named font see it as I intend? (I have altered the font appearance
    a bit in a font editor).
    I know you can send the font with the file, but people are, naturally,
    reluctant to install files they know nothing about, or to overwrite their
    existing files.
    I know you can do it in MS Office files, but AutoCAD?

    arpe, Sep 15, 2003
  2. arpe

    Chip Harper Guest

    To add to Pauls answer, use Pack-n-Go or Etransmit (depending on the version
    of AutoCAD that you are using) to send the fonts with your drawings.
    Chip Harper, Sep 16, 2003
  3. arpe

    Cadalot Guest

    So why not re-name the font ?, then they can exist side by side on
    your and their computer!

    Think KISS

    Cadalot, Sep 16, 2003
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