Ellipses are mirrored in plots

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Brian Hailey, Apr 20, 2004.

  1. Brian Hailey

    Brian Hailey Guest

    Hello all,

    We are having a problem plotting to our OCE TDS600. When we plot a drawing
    file that contains ellipses, all of the ellipses are mirrored on the plot.
    I think the best way to describe this is to think back when you where a kid.
    Do you remember painting on one half of a piece of paper and then folding it
    in half? Well, that is what is happening with the ellipses. The ellipses
    are plotting where they need to be but there is a ghosted (for lack of a
    better word) ellipse on the other half of the page. One other weird thing,
    this happens in LDT as well as MAP but in MAP, the mirrored ellipses are
    much fainter than LDT.

    If anyone can shed some light on this, it would be greatly appreciated.



    LDT2004, XP-Pro
    Brian Hailey, Apr 20, 2004
  2. Brian Hailey

    Brian Hailey Guest

    Hi Dean,

    Yup, they are ellipses. The actual ellipses are plotting but there is a
    duplicate ellipse on the other side of the page as if the ink on the ellipse
    is still wet and the page is folded in half and then unfolded.

    Brian Hailey, Apr 20, 2004
  3. Brian Hailey

    Brian Hailey Guest

    Thanks Dean,

    But I want them to plot. The ellipses are being duplicated as mirrored
    ellipses on the other side of the page.

    A little more information:

    When plotting via a .pc3 file, we get the mirrored entities but when
    plotting to the system plotter, they don't appear. Also, we just had this
    happen to some text in a different drawing on a different computer.

    Brian Hailey, Apr 22, 2004
  4. Brian Hailey

    BG250 Guest

    What drivers are you using? Are they windows or AutoCAD?

    We have the TDS600. The original drivers were a nightmare. We didn't have
    the problem you describe, but getting the thing to cut the right papersize
    was impossible, Halftoning (shaded objects) wouldn't plot right and it would
    lock up constantly and I'd have to reboot it's controller. I was about to
    toss it out the window then Oce released a new set of windows drivers (about
    two years ago) that fixed everything in one fell swoop. It is a great
    printer now.
    BG250, Apr 22, 2004
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