
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by alex spath, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. alex spath

    alex spath Guest

    I know it's Sunday but could someone please check the area and perimeter
    values of an ellipse in Sw.
    I'm not getting the correct properties when using an ellipse in SW.
    Until now I've always assumed SW gives me the correct values but I've just
    been caught out on a job.
    I checked the values manually, they were correct but they did not match the
    results in Sw. The SW settings are set to max accuracy
    What's more confusing is the area values given when you do a section query
    in the sketch is different from the area values of the elliptical face of
    the extrusion. I've checked the area/perimeter/volume values of spheres,
    cubes etc and they work ok

    alex spath, Apr 11, 2006
  2. Alex,

    Since there is no exact formula for the perimeter of an ellipse, it could be
    that your calculation is less accurate than SolidWorks. This site has a
    discussion and various series and approximations that are much better than
    some others I found:


    I tried three ellipses, with eccentricities of 1.111, 2.5 and 10 and the
    perimeter values were all within a few hundredths of a percent of
    Ramanujan's first formula, which is probably within the error of the
    formula. The areas though were off by up to a third of a percent. This is
    very interesting, because the area equation is exact. I guess SolidWorks is
    calculating the area based on the curve values. Either the curve locations
    are off a bit or there area calculation is not terribly accurate.


    On my test ellipses, the sketch area values were always closer than the face
    values. Since the perimeter values are the same in the sketch and in the
    model, why are the areas different? Did different people use different
    methods to calculate the area in the two cases?

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Apr 11, 2006
  3. alex spath

    beer2beer Guest

    On my test ellipses, the sketch area values were always closer than the face
    Maybe different alogrithms or; surface / solid analysis usually reference a
    tessellated version of the model. Area properties may use the same methods but
    at different resolutions. Just a bit of idle speculation...
    beer2beer, Apr 11, 2006
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