elevation lisp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chris, Apr 21, 2006.

  1. Chris

    Chris Guest

    Does anyone have a lisp routing to put all drawings that are on different
    planes on the same plane. I have a drawing where there are multiple part
    drawings and they are all on different planes. I need something that will
    set the elevation I believe on all planes to 0.
    Chris, Apr 21, 2006
  2. Chris

    longshot Guest

    I know there are a few out there that work, some that are half assed.. you
    can do the following at the command prompt quite effectively:

    change<enter> P for properties<enter> E for elev<enter> 0<enter>
    longshot, Apr 21, 2006
  3. Chris

    Chris Guest

    the change command won't work because the verticies of the individual
    polylines are on different planes. Everywhere there is a point
    connecting lines those verticies are on different planes.
    Chris, Apr 21, 2006
  4. Chris

    Paul Turvill Guest

    If you have Express Tools, try the FLATTEN command. If not, do a Google
    search for one of the many third-party Flatten routines.
    Paul Turvill, Apr 21, 2006
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