Electrical Symbols Library

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JTH, Jul 10, 2003.

  1. JTH

    JTH Guest

    Does anyone know of a electrical symbols library for solidworks?
    JTH, Jul 10, 2003
  2. JTH

    Len K. Mar Guest

    SW isn't a 2D program (i.e. schematics, P&ID diagrams, Process Flow
    Diagrams, etc...) no matter what the salesmen tell you.

    MS Visio on the other hand does a half decent job of creating these
    type of drawings. If you have Visio Professional on the same machine
    as your SW application you can invoke Visio directly from SW (if you
    have a drawing open) by selecting insert - schematic. ( Note - if the
    "schematic" is greyed out that means you either don't have Visio on
    your machine or it is the wrong version).

    The advantage of this system is that you can use the SW titleblock and
    revesion control the file just like any other SW drawing.

    It has standard blocks built into it including electronic &
    electrical. Don't know how extensive they are but you could always
    find/buy a library of AutoCAD blocks and convert them to Visio easy

    The reporting function is pretty nice which allows you to
    automatcially generate BOM's and such using the properties of the
    Visio shapes. (2D version of SW's Bill of material that counts parts).

    It also works well and plays nice with other MS office applications.

    Third party add-ons are available to add smarts to the shapes such as
    preventing you from wiring up compoents wrong. Others allow you to
    look up databse values and populate a property dialog box from
    approved vendors, suppliers, etc.... . Output can also be in Excel
    which is handy to create a master Engineering BOM.


    Len K. Mar, P.Eng.
    E-data Solutions.
    Len K. Mar, Jul 11, 2003
  3. JTH

    Sporkman Guest

    As Len indicates, SolidWorks isn't a good choice for doing schematics,
    wiring diagrams, logic layouts, etc.. However, if what you're doing is
    basically just annotating SolidWorks drawings with functional symbols
    and if you can come up with an AutoCAD library of symbols, as Len also
    suggests, it's easy enough to make those into Blocks (by SolidWorks'
    definition of 'Block') and insert those into SolidWorks drawings. Just
    open them as a Drawing (instead of as a Part). See SolidWorks Help for

    Sporkman, Jul 11, 2003
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