El Cheapo Video Card

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mr. Pickles, Jan 15, 2004.

  1. Mr. Pickles

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    This just in from the head MIS drone:

    He wants a Video card, capable of running SolidWorks with no "severe
    limitations", that is AGP 2.0 compliant, 1.5v, and is as cheap as possible
    ("My God! Over $100 is way too high", would be a quote), from a vendor, not
    from eBay.

    I almost told him to kiss the padded blarney stone, but figured I'd ask the

    Mr. Pickles
    SW 2004sp2 :)
    Mr. Pickles, Jan 15, 2004
  2. Mr. Pickles

    Sporkman Guest

    GeForce 440MX (8X AGP) with 128 Mb of DDR costs less than $60 now.
    Sporkman, Jan 15, 2004
  3. Mr. Pickles

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Well Mr. Pickles, it depends on his definition of "severe limitations". If
    he wants it to run Solidworks, or to test SW and to determine what's at
    fault when things go wonky, etc. the best bet is to go with a real Quadro.
    I used Geforce's with the softquadro hacks for a long time (my laptop still
    does) but it's hard to get people to listen to you when something crashes,
    even though it was never the cards.

    On www.newegg.com you can get the cheapest Quadro4 for $145 shipped.
    Anything less will likely suffer the multiple window slowdowns, etc. If
    that won't matter then go with a cheapo Geforce4, as Sporkman suggested.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Jan 15, 2004
  4. Or a GeForce4 Ti 4400, still better than a lot of Fx.
    Jean Marc BRUN, Jan 15, 2004
  5. Mr. Pickles

    Chris Guest

    my VP560 cost me 120 quid from Kelkoo a few months ago. That's about 200
    dollars. Since you guys always seem to have dollar to pound parity with
    electronics, you might be able to get one for $120.

    Working very well with the 0655 drivers...

    Chris, Jan 15, 2004
  6. Mr. Pickles

    Daniel Guest

    You can still get new a Quadro2 Pro for under $100
    Daniel, Jan 15, 2004
  7. Mr. Pickles

    Tim Guest

    Before you buy, check the solidworks website for graphics hardware
    testing.... they test most cards for compatability (Pass/Fair/Pass with
    limitations). Geforce cards have limitions....read up! BTW, tell your MIS
    person to quit buying shit. When it comes to productivity, a quality video
    card matters.

    Tim, Jan 16, 2004
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