Ego and arguments in these newsgroups

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Talsky, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. Talsky

    Talsky Guest

    I am starting to have problems with the newsgroup warfare that goes on by
    some of ego maniacs that seem to always be in some foray or other rather
    then focus on helping someone solve their Autodesk product related problem.

    The purpose of the newsgroup is to provide an arena for questions and
    answers on how to use the AutoCAD products. It is not a place to preen and
    put down others.

    While I do enjoy the back and forth banter that takes place most of the
    time, I know from my own experience that it can become less then pleasurable
    for those involved. It creates stress and anger and hurt feelings. It is a
    waste of time in general and is not why these newsgroups are here, and it is
    not why we come here and offer help to others or to seek help for ourselves.

    Just wanted to say this to ease my own feelings, and maybe to remind a few
    of why they come here.

    This is not to say that I am innocent of doing the same from time to time,
    but I just hope I don't any more.

    Jack Talsky
    Talsky, Aug 4, 2003
  2. Talsky

    Talsky Guest

    I didn't post here twice by the was somehow duplicated without
    my knowledge.

    Also, I was informed that it was deleted by Anne so probably no one knows
    what I am talking about anyway.

    Talsky, Aug 4, 2003
  3. Talsky

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    In the arean of free exchange of ideas, opinion is impossible to weed out. What is accepted standard practice for one, would be unthinkable for another. Discussions about "Why" or "Which is better" are, by nature, opinion only, no more no less. And as such should be read with that in mind.

    One point is assuming some intent into a written statement or question. Emotion of ant kind is difficult to convey in type, so assuming a statement is abrasive may be in error, then again maybe not. Some are considerably more obvious than others. Best bet; when in doubt assume not.

    Another point is being responsible for your own feelings. I can not be offended, unless I choose to allow myself to feel offended. We have all seen flame wars erupt because someone chose to be offended by something in which no offence was intended. And if someone is offended by the tone of some thread, they have the option to stop reading it.

    Lastly, responding to a snide remark with a snide remark may not be the best option, but sometimes it's just fun. A bit of sabre rattling, and ego-bashing can force everyone to re-think their opinions, or give insight into other uses that would not surface otherwise. A clearer picture of the discussion can result from a heated debate.

    But then again that's just me, and I choose not to be offended.
    OLD-CADaver, Aug 4, 2003
  4. Talsky

    Jamie Duncan Guest

    umm you choose to be thick skinned?


    I think you argue for the sake of arguing - to get your juices flowing.  Or perhaps it's to relieve imminent rigor mortis (your name implies this)


    Anyway, I forgive you all of the terrible things you have thought and done in the name of fun.  I'm sure in your next life, you will aspire to salamander instead of toad.





    Jamie Duncan


    "Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend. "



    "OLD-CADaver" <> wrote in message news:...

    In the arean of free exchange of ideas, opinion is impossible to weed out. What is accepted standard practice for one, would be unthinkable for another. Discussions about "Why" or "Which is better" are, by nature, opinion only, no more no less. And as such should be read with that in mind.

    One point is assuming some intent into a written statement or question. Emotion of ant kind is difficult to convey in type, so assuming a statement is abrasive may be in error, then again maybe not. Some are considerably more obvious than others. Best bet; when in doubt assume not.

    Another point is being responsible for your own feelings. I can not be offended, unless I choose to allow myself to feel offended. We have all seen flame wars erupt because someone chose to be offended by something in which no offence was intended. And if someone is offended by the tone of some thread, they have the option to stop reading it.

    Lastly, responding to a snide remark with a snide remark may not be the best option, but sometimes it's just fun. A bit of sabre rattling, and ego-bashing can force everyone to re-think their opinions, or give insight into other uses that would not surface otherwise. A clearer picture of the discussion can result from a heated debate.

    But then again that's just me, and I choose not to be offended.
    Jamie Duncan, Aug 5, 2003
  5. Talsky

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Ahh... name-calling. Excellant retort, I'm sure Anne will be pleased.
    OLD-CADaver, Aug 5, 2003
  6. Jack and Jamie,

    I do so agree - even though mostly only a lurker here, I sometimes weary of
    the apparently permanent combative stance taken by certain posters and the
    guru-like airs that are taken on at times. I think it is the almost
    predictable tenor of responses that will occasionally rankle. I try mostly
    not to rise to the bait, but it can be somewhat irksome to say the least.
    However, having participated in long-term flame wars on other NG's in the
    past, I can say for certain that pointing out what one sees as errors in the
    ways of others will usually do little to improve their style, and will
    normally only serve to release ones own pent up feelings. Still, maybe
    that's good enough for now. Pleased to have taken this opportunity to
    relieve my own internal pressure. Ssssssssssssss . . .

    Gordon S.

    Gordon Stephens, Aug 5, 2003
  7. Talsky

    Tore Hanson Guest

    A wise proverb states: "There exists the one speaking thoughtlessly as with
    the stabs of a sword, but the tongue of the wise ones is a healing." (Prov.

    I'm learning to ignore these makes life less stressful. I just
    quit another NG (not an Autodesk group) because it turned into a very
    negative experience. I agree that there are some that always want to
    verbally attack someone else, but fortunately Anne tries her best to keep it

    Tore Hanson
    Technical Illustrator
    Tore Hanson, Aug 5, 2003
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