eDrawings on MacOSX

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bonobo, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. Bonobo

    Bonobo Guest

    I was just browsing my eDrawings of my latest project on my 17"
    PowerBook, and must say, SolidWorks did a bang up job of the eDrawings
    viewer even though it is only a 'Beta'. In fact I like the look better
    than eDrawings on my Dell.

    The Force is with me.

    Bonobo, Jul 30, 2005
  2. yeah, it looks much nicer on the macs. I found lots of crashing with files
    with configurations - do you get the same?
    Lee Bazalgette - Factory, Aug 2, 2005
  3. Bonobo

    Bonobo Guest

    I have had NO crashing of eDwg v1.0, but I freely admit switching
    configurations takes longer on OSX 10.4.2 than WinXPSP2.

    Speaking of configs, my biggest problem in part files with lots of
    configs is that something causes suppressed items to 'come back to
    life' later in my work causing me to have to continually go back and
    find and suppress the little bugger features that won't stay "Off".

    It is a real pain at times (SWks 2005 SP4).

    Bonobo, Aug 2, 2005
  4. Bonobo

    Bonobo Guest

    the current eDrawing is "very Interesting" to coin a phrase.

    Bothe my PC & Mac OSX versions of eDrawings now open up standard
    ..SLDPRT native SolidWorks part files.

    I never noticed that until I saw a 'live' icon on a .SLDPRT file on my
    Mac, and decided to go ahead and see if it opened. Danged if it didn't
    as they do on my PC.

    Hard to keep up with all the additional features.

    Bonobo, Aug 13, 2005
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