edrawings API

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Guest, Apr 13, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Could someone point me to some example code please.
    The help is distinctly lacking in examples, and the only code I've found on
    the net
    seems to be written for a SW user, rather than for eDRW

    I want to write a vb app to hook to eDrawings, but the workstation will not
    have SW installed. only EDRW pro.
    (Basically a batch plot frontend for eDRW)
    Many thanks in advance
    Guest, Apr 13, 2005
  2. Guest

    Sam Guest

    I do not have any code to help you but just wanted to say that I was
    wanting to do the same thing, batch plot for edrawings...

    Good luck, if you get it working right and don't mind sharing post here
    or drop me an email:

    Sam, Apr 13, 2005
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