Edrawings allowing movement of assembly components

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SeanMc, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. SeanMc

    SeanMc Guest

    Have an assembly made up of multiple components. Customer wants a 3D file
    made up from this assembly similar to an EDrawings assembly, in which they
    can manipulate the individual components, just to get an idea of different
    looks with the components in different locations. Of course, my company
    doesn't want to hand over any hard design data at this point that they would
    be able to just send off to China or elsewhere to have the rest of the work

    Anybody have any suggestions?
    Any such animal out there?

    Thanks - Sean
    SeanMc, Apr 24, 2007
  2. SeanMc

    SeanMc Guest

    I see that EDrawings has MOVE and EXPLODE features, but they are disabled,
    and nothing I do seems to change that. How do you enable these controls?

    Thanks - Sean
    SeanMc, May 2, 2007
  3. Do you have eDrawings Pro? It may be that those functions are not available
    in the free version. I tried it here and move is available on our Pro
    version machine, but not a free version machine.

    I think the explode feature you see is related to a SW assy file that has an
    exploded view in it. But, even in the free version, you can do a Ctrl-e to
    explode any assy in eDrawings. Then click on the Home button to put it all

    Wayne Tiffany, May 3, 2007
  4. SeanMc

    SeanMc Guest

    Thanks Wayne - I didn't even realiize there was a Pro version till now.
    We have 1 seat of SW Office with EDrawings Pro - your right - great - Thanks
    SeanMc, May 4, 2007
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