Editing toolbox parts & PDMWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave Nay, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. Dave Nay

    Dave Nay Guest


    We have a directory of toolbox parts that are located on a shared server
    directoy. We are also using PDMWOrks for our revision management. I
    have configured the PDMWorks to properly account for the toolbox parts
    by adding the path to the list of directories on the Toolbox tab of the
    VaultAdmin application. All is well so far that PDMWorks recognizes the
    toolbox parts, and adds the "references" to the PDMWorks projects. We
    also have the new multiuser environment features enabled in SWX and PDMWx.

    Here is my problem,

    I would like to edit a toolbox part to add a configuration with a new
    length, but I am not allowed to obtain write access for the file. When
    I click on File->Get Write Access from inside SWX, I get the following

    You Cannot get write access to file '\\Server\SolidWorks\Purchased
    Parts\Paletti\SP0401N.SLDPRT' because it is owned by 'System' in your
    PDMWorks vault.

    How can I configure the system to allow me to edit the toolbox parts? I
    thought PDMWorks was only supposed to make a casual reference to toolbox
    parts, and not have any actual control over the files?

    Dave Nay, Apr 11, 2005
  2. Dave Nay

    blah Guest


    I know that it does not answer your immediate problem, but you
    may want to take a look at DBworks PDM, it does not present this problem.
    blah, Apr 12, 2005
  3. Dave Nay

    Dave Nay Guest

    Forgot this.....

    SWX 2005 Office Pro with SP 2, as well as PDMWx updated with SP 2.

    Dave Nay, Apr 12, 2005
  4. Dave Nay

    matt Guest


    it sounds to me like Toolbox has taken control of the file and won't let
    you make changes. If you change it using the Toolbox interface, I bet it
    will work, but manually trying to add a config probably won't. Does the
    upper left of the SW window right after the Toolbox part file name say
    "Read Only"?

    Toolbox is a mess. What;s needed is a library of parts, and what is
    offered is a program that creates parts as you need them. Using the
    configuration setting that you have is the default setting, and also the
    worst imaginable way of setting it up, especially with a PDM product.

    I usually recommend that people use the "Copy Parts" setting, and actually
    check parts into the vault. It eliminates a lot of problems. Of course
    changing to "copy parts" after you've been using configurations creates a
    whole new set of problems, and basically requires you to install fresh TB
    library parts and data base. There are ways of dealing with your existing
    assemblies with configured TB parts, but it's a kludge.

    There's very little good news about Toolbox unless your computer isn't
    hooked up to the network and you don't share files with other SW users.

    check out www.dezignstuff.com - still under construction
    matt, Apr 12, 2005
  5. Dave Nay

    Dave Nay Guest

    I guess I have some terminology mixed up here (actually, I think SWX
    can't keep it straight). I have not actually imported these parts into
    the Toolbox, via the "Add My Parts" wizard. I tried that way back when
    I had my evaluation setup, and determined that it was a really bad plan.

    Yes, when I open the file it says it is Read-Only. I get the error when
    I go to File->Get Write Access.
    This is what I have (aimed for?). The collection of parts just reside
    on the server directory, and are referenced in multiple project
    assemblies. They are almost all purchased parts, so there is no need to
    revision manage them in PDMWx.
    Again, I am sure there is some terminology mixing here. I have added my
    "Library" path to the "Toolbox" tab of PDMWx as a directory to ignore
    when managing parts, and yet for some reason PDMWx has control of those


    Dave Nay, Apr 12, 2005
  6. Dave Nay

    kb Guest

    turn off pdmw addin, edit part, save, turn on pdmw addin.
    kb, Apr 12, 2005
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