Editing the feature control frame of a hole in a Wildfire drawing

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Mike, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Is it possible to edit the feature control frame of a hole in a
    Wildfire drawing?
    Every time I try to click-right-click properties
    I only get the info on the hole dimension itself.

    The only way I've found to edit this frame is to go into the model
    and do edit > feature operations > gtol

    Is there an easier way?


    Mike, Jun 20, 2005
  2. Mike

    David Janes Guest

    The problem isn't editing the feature control frame, the problem is selecting it.
    Two ways:
    * Set the selection filter to gtol and pick it.
    * Hover the cursor over the fcf, RMB 'Pick from list' and pick the gtol from

    Once selected, it should be no problem doing RMB 'Properties' and getting the fcf
    input screen.
    David Janes, Jun 21, 2005
  3. Mike

    David Janes Guest

    Guess I haven't done any geometric tolerancing in WF2 before. It's nice that this
    kind of stuff is showingup in the model tree. And I'll have to get more into
    annotation features as time goes on. They look to be pretty powerful for capturing
    design intent. But I noticed, when I opened a drawing from previous version of
    Pro/e, that those fcfs don't show up in the model tree. Only the ones created with
    WF2. So you have to select them one of the "old" ways.
    David Janes, Jun 22, 2005
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