Editing the Equations popup menu

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MikeWade, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. MikeWade

    MikeWade Guest


    I have been creating a SW 2005 add-in using the C++ API to insert some
    custom function calls for different "parts" of solid works files. For
    example, right-clicking on a dimension brings up a new sub-menu with
    my function calls in it.

    One of the places I want to add a new menu item to is the popup menu
    associated with the equations under the Equations folder. However,
    I'm having trouble determining what the selection type is. The
    closest the API brings me is to document the selection type for the
    equations folder (swSelEQNFOLDER), but not the equations listed within
    the folder.

    If anyone has dealt with this, or can point me in the right direction
    for figuring it out I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Thanks In Advance,

    MikeWade, Jun 20, 2007
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