Editing Multiple Line Lengths

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lee7598, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. lee7598

    lee7598 Guest

    Posted by: lee7598
    Date: Jun/02/04 - 06:42 (EDT)
    I am trying to change the length of multiple lines. For example, I would like to window over 1000 individual line segments and change the length from 5' to 10'. Is this possible? Right now I am going through the individual lines and scaling them up one at a time. Very time consuming. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Reply From: Tracy W. Lincoln
    Date: Jun/02/04 - 06:50 (EDT)

    Re: Editing Multiple Line Lengths
    Try using the LENGTHEN command and it's TOTAL option.

    The commmand alias is LEN

    Tracy W. Lincoln
    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator

    like to window over 1000 individual line segments and change the length from
    5' to 10'. Is this possible? Right now I am going through the individual
    lines and scaling them up one at a time. Very time consuming. Any
    suggestions would be appreciated.


    Reply From: bob.at
    Date: Jun/02/04 - 06:55 (EDT)

    Re: Editing Multiple Line Lengths

    try the command "lengthen" with option "fence"



    Reply From: Joe Burke
    Date: Jun/02/04 - 08:00 (EDT)

    Re: Editing Multiple Line Lengths

    Lengthen total also accepts a selection set.

    (defun c:LineLen ( / len ss )
    (setq len (getdist "\nEnter new line length: "))
    (setq ss (ssget (list (cons 0 "LINE"))))
    (command "lengthen" "total" len ss "")


    If you only want to change 5' lines to some length, that would need a bit more code.

    Joe Burke


    Reply From: lee7598
    Date: Jun/02/04 - 09:37 (EDT)

    Re: Editing Multiple Line Lengths

    The program you wrote is right along the lines of what I am looking for, except I need to lengthen the lines from each individual midpoint, basically adding an equal length to each side of all the lines. Is this possible?


    Reply From: Joe Burke
    Date: Jun/02/04 - 09:56 (EDT)

    Re: Editing Multiple Line Lengths

    Yes, it can be done. But I think Anne Brown might want to move this thread to the
    customization NG before we go further.

    Joe Burke

    need to lengthen the lines from each individual midpoint, basically adding an equal
    length to each side of all the lines. Is this possible?
    lee7598, Jun 2, 2004
  2. lee7598

    Josh Guest

    This adds 2.5 units to either end of any line.

    (defun c:biggerlines ( / add lines cnt line p10 p11 mid len scale)
    (setq add 2.5
    lines (ssget '((0 . "line")))
    cnt 0
    (repeat (sslength lines)
    (setq line (entget (ssname lines cnt))
    p10 (cdr (assoc 10 line))
    p11 (cdr (assoc 11 line))
    mid (mapcar '+ p10 (mapcar '* (mapcar '- p11 p10) '(0.5 0.5 0.5)))
    len (distance p10 p11)
    scale (/ (+ add len add) len)
    cnt (1+ cnt)
    (command "scale" (cdr (assoc -1 line)) "" "non" mid scale)
    Josh, Jun 2, 2004
  3. lee7598

    bob.at Guest

    thanks for learning something new - i never checked this. But in which direction are the differnt lines streched when selecting via selection set?

    bob.at, Jun 2, 2004
  4. lee7598

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Lee7598

    Try this (adds the length on both sides of line):
    (defun C:SetLineLength ( / AcdUtl CurAng CurEnt CurObj CurSet)
    (if (setq CurSet (ssget '((0 . "LINE"))))
    (while (setq CurEnt (ssname CurSet 0))
    (setq AcdUtl (vla-get-Utility
    CurObj (vlax-ename->vla-object CurEnt)
    CurAng (vla-get-angle CurObj)
    (vla-get-EndPoint CurObj)
    2.5 ;required half length
    (vla-get-StartPoint CurObj)
    (+ CurAng pi)
    2.5 ;required half length
    (ssdel CurEnt CurSet)

    Jürg Menzi, Jun 2, 2004
  5. lee7598

    lee7598 Guest

    This is almost exactly what I was looking for. Can you make it so that I can get a prompt for a specified line length?
    lee7598, Jun 2, 2004
  6. lee7598

    Joe Burke Guest


    I think lengthen modifies the end point given a line. Which isn't what Lee is looking

    Looks like Juerg worked out the kinks. Though I haven't tried it.

    Joe Burke

    are the differnt lines streched when selecting via selection set?
    Joe Burke, Jun 2, 2004
  7. lee7598

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi lee7598
    With this mod's you can also shorten/lengthen lines with different lengths:

    (defun C:SetLineLength ( / AcdUtl CurAng CurEnt CurObj CurSet TmpLen)
    (if (setq CurSet (ssget '((0 . "LINE"))))
    (or Gb:Len (setq Gb:Len 10.0)) ;default value
    (initget 6)
    (setq TmpLen (getreal (strcat "\nNew Line length <" (rtos Gb:Len) ">: "))
    Gb:Len (cond (TmpLen) (Gb:Len))
    (while (setq CurEnt (ssname CurSet 0))
    (setq AcdUtl (vla-get-Utility
    CurObj (vlax-ename->vla-object CurEnt)
    CurAng (vla-get-angle CurObj)
    TmpLen (- Gb:Len (vla-get-Length CurObj))
    (vla-get-EndPoint CurObj)
    (if (minusp TmpLen) (+ CurAng pi) CurAng)
    (/ (abs TmpLen) 2.0)
    (vla-get-StartPoint CurObj)
    (if (minusp TmpLen) CurAng (+ CurAng pi))
    (/ (abs TmpLen) 2.0)
    (ssdel CurEnt CurSet)

    Jürg Menzi, Jun 2, 2004
  8. lee7598

    lee7598 Guest


    Thank you Jurg, this will save hours of work.
    lee7598, Jun 2, 2004
  9. lee7598

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Lee

    Glad to help you... hope it's fast enough...:cool:

    Jürg Menzi, Jun 2, 2004
  10. lee7598

    Jürg Menzi Guest


    If you replace the line:
    (if (setq CurSet (ssget '((0 . "LINE"))))
    (if (setq CurSet (cond ((ssget "I" '((0 . "LINE")))) ((ssget '((0 . "LINE"))))))
    you can also preselect teh entities by grips...

    Jürg Menzi, Jun 2, 2004
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