Editing Linear Sketch pattern ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by What-a-Tool, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. What-a-Tool

    What-a-Tool Guest

    Once a linear sketch pattern is created, added to a feature, and
    closed, can that sketch be re-opened and have the linear pattern edited?
    What-a-Tool, Feb 23, 2006
  2. What-a-Tool

    Timelord Guest

    Yes, edit the sketch, click on one of the patterned items and then
    right click on the patterned constraint in the line properties box and
    choose edit pattern.

    Timelord, Feb 23, 2006
  3. What-a-Tool

    What-a-Tool Guest

    To cool!
    Knew there must be a way, but I couldn't figure it out and I hadn't
    stumbled across that!

    Thanks - Sean
    What-a-Tool, Feb 23, 2006
  4. What-a-Tool

    POH Guest

    You can also access the "edit linear pattern" option within the pull
    down menu which appears with a RMB (right mouse button) click on any
    one of the patterned entities in a sketch opened for editing.

    No matter how you get there, the only drawback is that the dialog box
    for pattern editing has the spacing dimension greyed out. To get around
    this, all you have to do is to manually add a dimension between any of
    the patterned instances.

    Once such a dimension exists, the pattern spacing can be changed even
    when the sketch isn't open. Just double click on the sketch name in the
    Feature Manager tree, change the dimension and rebuild via the
    stoplight icon...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Feb 23, 2006
  5. What-a-Tool

    matt Guest

    A cool thing about this is that if you don't have a dimension on it, you
    can drag a point of the sketch, and the direction and spacing moves
    dynamically. You could probably also set it up so that other changes in
    the model make the spacing/direction update parametrically.

    Sorry if you all knew this already. I've been pretty biased against the
    sketch patterns because they used to be pretty bad (solved so slowly,
    weren't editable, funky interface, silly name - step and repeat), so I
    never discovered this functionality until now.

    matt, Feb 23, 2006
  6. What-a-Tool

    TOP Guest

    I think this was shown in one of the training manuals circa SW2003.
    TOP, Feb 24, 2006
  7. What-a-Tool

    POH Guest


    Thanks for the tip about dragging. For it to work, there must be
    relations and/or dimensions to fix the position of the patterned (base)
    entity. Otherwise the entire pattern gets dragged with no change in

    BTW, there is a dialog box option for "add dimension" which can be used
    when the sketch pattern is first defined.

    I think it's a shame that existing patterned sketch entities are not
    obvious as such to the user (unless the little relations icons are
    displayed), so handling them correctly when editing an old sketch can
    be awkward - even to the original author.

    Having a color for patterned instances different from the default
    sketch entity could be helpful!

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Feb 24, 2006
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